Letter Number One!

307 16 20

Ink's POV

It's Monday morning, and I'm coming downstairs, fully dressed, but not mentally ready for the day.

Blue is really hyper, as she always is, and Dream is drinking coffee, as she always is.

I get me a Pepsi, never really a fan of coffee or tea, so i drink sodas.

I drank the can, ate some toast, and crushed the can on my head before throwing it into a recycling bin.

I walked outside to get the mail, grabbed it and layed it into a neat pile on the table.

"I'll look through it!"

Blue said eagerly, she loved getting letters from her brother so I let her and sat down in the living room. I could hear her sorting it.

"Fan letter, fan letter, request, fan letter, papyrus note, fan letter, pink letter, requ-... Wait, pink letter?"

I perked up, Blue rushed in.

"Ink you got a letter that's pink with a heart!! I think it's a love letter~"

I little blush dusted my cheek bones as I look the letter, opened it, and read it. Reading it made my blush cover my face, making it a deep rainbow.

Dear Ink,

I've been needing to get this off of my chest recently, I fell in love with you at the first sight of you and didn't completely realize it... I now know this feeling and wanted to tell it to you without having to speak in person, for fear of rejection. I will use a fake name, for reasons of my own. You will know me as Akuma for now. Please, if you with to write back, put the return envelope below the great Willow tree in Dreamtale.

                Your Secret Admirer,

(A/N Pssst, did you know that in Japanese that "Akuma" means "devil" or "demon", this is the reason why the secret admirer desired this name!)

Blue saw me blush, and wiggled her non-existent eyebrows.


"It's none of your business..."

I muttered back, kinda flustered.

Dream walked in.

"I heard someone got a love letter, soo~ who's it from?~"

Dream smirked.

I groaned

"I donno, they are using a fake name called Akuma."

"You mean like the Japanese word?"

Blue asked, I nodded.

Blue's and Dream's grins got larger.

"That means that their cool!"

Blue said

"You should respond!"

Dream said, I shook my head.

"Nah, I don't know them, now can we PLEASE go back to what we were doing and forget this ever happened?"

Blue and Dream's expressions changed and they left, but in the other room I heard giggling, I went up to my room and let the letter and envelope on my nightstand.

I sat in the chair in the corner, and began to read this book I've been getting into. Although they seem interesting.

I think I'll write back.


Sorry it's so short, didn't have a lot of time to write this shit.

Aaaanyway, how did ya like it? Please tell me in the comments!

(Word Count: 500)

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