"Mmhmm?" I mumble.

"You're perfect." He whispers to me.

"No, I'm not. Thank you though." I whisper back, not opening my eyes.

Luke's Pov:

"No, I'm not. Thank you though." She whispers back to me.

"I don't care what you say. You are" I say, kissing her cheek. I continue to play with her hair and rub her back. I love the position she's in right now; her whole body to the side, facing the inside of the couch, her head is in my lap, with her head facing my stomach. I can feel her breathes through my thin shirt. She looks peaceful and I know I love her. I'm going to ask her to be my girlfriend after she wakes up a little more. A while later, she sits up. She scoots back so she's sitting on my lap, with her head on my shoulder.

"Haliee Danielle Rodes, will you be my girlfriend?" I whisper to her. She looks at me, wide-eyed. She nods furiously.

"Yes, yes, yes, in a million years, yes!" She says back kissing me. "Luke?"

"Yes, girlfriend?"

"I like you. A lot" She says. I look to her, smiling and reply

"I like you, too."


We're back at the hotel and have been smiling all day.

"Okay, will somebody please tell my why they're smiling like idiots?" Cal asks.

"Same here!" Ash says.

"Me too!" Mike chimes in.

"It's kind of official, we're together." I say.

"I knew it was going to happen soon!" Ashton says excitedly. I've been telling the guys how much I like her.

"YES!" Michael and Cal say at the same time. 

"They're joking!" Cal jumps.

"We're not." I say.

"They're trying to make us believe that they're actually together!" He says.

"Calum, you're being an ass!" I tell him sarcastically.

"Prove it!" Ashton sing-songed

"Okay." I say. I bring Haliee's face to mine, giving her the second most passionate kiss I've ever given her, after we pull away I say

"I like you so much Haliee Danielle Rodes, with every fiber of my being." 

"I like you more Lucas Robert Hemmings, more than you know." She says back.

"Not possible!" I interject.

"Okay, lets say equally than?" 

"Okay." I pull her in for another kiss.

"Cal, that cannot be acting." Ashton says.

"Yeah, no way." Michel agrees.

"Okay, I think I believe them now." Cal tells us. Haliee's phone rings.



"Oh hey, Lex." She's been talking to this girl named Lexi, for probably a month, but we've never met her.


"Yeah, I'll ask." She says looking at us. "Can Lexi come over here, she want's to meet you."

"Sure." I say. She smiles at me.

"Okay. I'll text you the address, floor and room number. Okay, see you in 10. Don't wear anything other than pajamas, we've been in ours all day. Okay, bye!" She hangs up the phone and turns to us. "So, Lexi is coming in around 10 minutes. I think Ashton will like her especially, she seems like Ash in a girl form."

Hired (L.H, Luke Hemmings)Where stories live. Discover now