Part 4

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Most of the time, Kuldeep and Chahal don't even like to sleep in different rooms at night, so the first thing they do on reaching any hotel is badger the support staff into lugging an extra bed into one of their rooms. They had done that last night as well, so currently both of them were living in Yuzi's room.

When Yuzi came back into his room at night and switched on the light, he saw Kuldeep lying on his stomach (like he always did) and sleeping. Or pretending to sleep.

Honestly, he didn't care, Yuzi told himself.

Making as less noise as possible, Yuzi got into his bed, which was about half a foot apart from Kuldeep's, because he didn't want to disturb Kuldeep in case he was asleep.

Kuldeep was awake, of course. After he sensed Yuzi lying down on his bed, Kuldeep reached over and tentatively touched Yuzi's hand.

Yuzi hesitated for only a moment and then squeezed his best friend's hand, accepting the peace offering.

"I promise I'll go with you wherever you want me to next time," said Kuldeep. "Because Hardik reminded me that I love you more than Barca. Obviously."

Kuldeep sounded his usual earnest self, and, as always, Yuzi felt awfully guilty about speaking harshly to him and pretty much ignoring him for a whole day.

"Obviously," said Yuzi, grinning in the darkness. He pulled Kuldeep towards him till he was close enough for Yuzi to pull his cheeks and ruffle his hair and in general, just cuddle him as much as he wanted.

"I shouldn't have said that, y'know, about Barca and..." Yuzi trailed off, not wanting to bring up the topic again.

"S'ok. You were mad at me," said Kuldeep, squirming and trying to get away from Yuzi's smothering hug.

"I shouldn't have left without saying goodbye, either," said Yuzi regretfully, tightening his arms around Kuldeep furthur.

"For a malnourished zero-figured matchstick, you have surprising strength when it comes to strangling me," said Kuldeep grumblingly.

Yuzi laughed--and still did not let Kuldeep go.


~From Kohli's point of view~

I noticed how extra loving Yuzi was towards Kuldeep the next day.

I wonder how Kuldeep puts up with all the cuddling. I'd set Rohit straight, if he ever tried that on me.

Well, every pair of best friends are different and distinct, and no one can deny that our KulCha are insanely fond of each other.

They'd never be able to live without each other.

Twins on and off (A KulCha Friendship Fanfiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora