Part 2

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~From Kohli's point of view~

Kuldeep saw on Instagram that Yuzi had gone with DK and Vijay Shankar. Feeling relieved that he hadn't had to go alone, Kuldeep was almost the first one to like Yuzi's pictures, as a small gesture of apology.

Yuzi didn't acknowledge him.

Kuldeep was hovering around the main gate of the hotel when I came back from outside.

"What're you doing here?" I demanded.

"Nothing. Just--waiting for Yuzi to come back," said Kuldeep honestly.

"You could wait in your room too, idiot," I said, shaking my head as I continued on my way.

Almost an hour later, I came down to the lobby to talk to the receptionist--and Kuldeep was still there, now sitting hunch backed on a sofa.

I honestly don't know what's going on inside his head.

"Are you ok?" I asked him.

"Yes, I'm fine, Virat bhai," he said hastily.

"Then why are you sitting here like a moron?"

"I want to talk to Yuzi. He won't pick up my call! He left without saying goodbye!" wailed Kuldeep.


"It's our day off, Kuliya," I told him patiently, the way you'd speak to an over emotional toddler. "We've got to practise from tomorrow again, so how about you do something for fun rather than wasting your time here?"

"He isn't even answering his phone," mumbled Kuldeep.

He's a grown up, Kuliya. He can look after himself, I wanted to tell him, but the poor kid was looking genuinely upset, and I didn't have the heart to tell him off.

"Wait, I'll call him," I said instead, and called Yuzi.

Yuzi picked it up almost at once.

"Where the hell are you?" I demanded.

"On our way back--why the hell d'you want to know?" demanded back Yuzi.

"Why aren't you picking up calls?"

"Did you call me before?" he said, sounding confused.

"Not me--Kuldeep--" I began.

Kuldeep was shaking his head frantically.

"Anyway, never mind," I said. "Come back fast."

"Yes, we're nearly there. Bye!"

"Bye." I cut the call.

Then I looked at Kuldeep sternly.

"What are you not telling me?"

Kuldeep then told me about Yuzi wanting him to go with him but him not going out of loyalty towards Barca.

I stopped myself from rolling my eyes.

Who fights over a matter like this? And who the hell goes crazy with worry when your best friend, who is mad at you, leaves without saying goodbye and refuses to answer your call?

Kuldeep and Yuzi are beyond me, honestly.

Twins on and off (A KulCha Friendship Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now