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she watched the same auburn owl come and go. watched it fly with the letter again and again. stared at it's retreating wings, through the blur of green and the hue of blue. the cycle continued; entering her grandfather's office and leaving with a heavy heart.

she wanted him to hear her voice. She wanted him to listen for what she had to say. but no, the household is strict. words from her mouth are restricted, caught in her throat. not a word could be uttered.


the world around her is silent.

she went on with her life with the littlest of sounds. her lips shut tight and her ears tensed. her senses were always at it's extreme but to no avail, the nothingness is all that could be heard.

not a sound echoing from the tauntingly gray walls, from the empty lights that shone above her head, the manor heavy with the lack of liveliness.


she grew in a dull life. her movements controlled, her life is scheduled and continued on with. like a never-ending cycle that she can not control.

but she can not change it. her life is held within the walls of her manor, everything she learned came from the inside. her memories, her knowledge, everything came from the inside. from this manor, from her grandfather.

but what happens when she goes on the outside?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2019 ⏰

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