Chapter 1

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"Yo you ready for night?!" Sam asks Jessie.
"Sooo ready :)" Jessie types back, "oh and are Gabbie and Cathrine still down?" She follows.
"Uh I know Gabbie is but let me call and make sure Cathrine is" Same answers
"Why not just text her?" Jessie asks
"Strict parents" Sam answers quickly, "she does have Snapchat and insta and stuff but she deletes them when her parents are around cause they'll get super mad" she explains.
"Ooooooo" Jessie reply's, "hey gtg dad is making me clean before sooo bye love ya sis".
"Bye love you toooo" Sam reply's.
She goes to call Cathrine when Gabbie text her
"Jessie told me Cathrine is coming..." Gabbie sends.
"Yeah what about it" Sam ask confused
"She's weird" Gabbie reply's "plus it was just supposed to be the squad :(" she finishes.
"Come on she's new and doesn't have many friends, she's not that weird either she's probably just really nervous cause she moved from across the country" Sam tells Gabbie.
"I guess, but if she start summoning demons I'm out" Gabbie tells her
"Okay you do you girl, gtg bye mwah sis" she says while she exits the chat.
She dials up Amanda's -Cathrines mom- number.
"Hello?" A quite, shy, and in Sams opinion a really adorable voice.
"Hey it's Sam" she says a bit nervously, "I was wondering if you still can tonight?" She asked
"OH SAM" Cathrine said in a excited and normal volume voice, "yeah I'm still good my mom can drop me off around 7 is that okay?" Cathrine said softly.
"Uh yeah whatever works for you" Sam said with a big smile on her face, "see you then" she said still smiling like a total idiot.
"See you then" Cathrine said in her soft warm voice.
Sam hung up the phone and looked up to see her mom looking at her.
"You like her" her mom said.
"WHAT?!" Sam said shocked as if someone had just found out one of her secrets, "ME?! Noooooooo" she says as she begins to blush.
"I mean maybe she's cute, NOT THAT IM GAY CAUSE IM NOT IM STRAIGHT!" She says as she starts to panic.
Her mom comes up to her and hugs her, "Honey it's okay" she assures her.
"I don't care if your gay, straight, pan, or a damn toaster" she explains, "as long as you're you and you're happy I'm happy." Her mom says giving her a warm, caring, and comfortable smile.
"Thanks mom" Sam says with a smile.
"You're welcome honey" her mom says, "now tell Jessie and Gabbie to hurry the hell up I wanna leave this house by 5!" Her mom says in a joking but not joking voice.
"Okay mom love you" She yells as her mom walks into the office and shuts the door.
Sam gets on snapchat and texts her friend Brenda.
"BRENDA MOM KNOWS SOMETHINGS UP OMG SJSJSJSJS" She nervously types with tears in her eyes.
"Wow okay what happened? Are you okay?" Brenda asks.
Sam explains everything that happened, "I haven't come out as gay yet" she says, "what do I do?" She asks.
"Well....I don't want to force you to come out but maybe you should. She already knows and haven't you kinda joked about it to your dad?" Brenda ask.
"Yeah but what if they actually do care, I know they say they don't but just what if" Sam says sadly.
"Hey it's going to be okay, I've been friends with you for 8 years!!! I KNOW they love you and will support you if you are!" Brenda assures her.
"Thanks Bren :)" Sam said wiping the tears that hand fallen down her check.
"Np I love youuuuu now you go get that cochie!" Brenda said joking around.
"Okay I can't even..XD" Sam says.
Sam goes into her room and lays on her bed. Anxiety and sadness sweep through her almost crushing her. She feels her eyes begin to boil with tears and her eyelids become anchors.
"A quick nap to forget the pain" She says as she closes her eyes and drifts off into sleep as the tears stroll down the side of her face.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2019 ⏰

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