Cora's House

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Cora's pov:
I open the ornate oak door and the gaggle of guys follow me through. My house isn't too big but it isn't small either. We have two spare bedrooms, so that means the boys will have to share.

I lead them around the house with small comments on which room is which. Even behind the masks I can practically feel them soaking up the new space and information.

"So first of all who is bunking with who?" I ask and they all just look at each other again before nodding. 

"I bunk with Red Robin and Demon Spawn bunks with 'Wing." Redhood says. I just nod, because I don't know how they figured that out with only looking at each other. It's kinda creepy.

"Great, the beds already have sheets and stuff so I guess I'll let you get settled." I clasp my hands together as a thought hits.

"If you want to change out of those suits I can find some of my dad's clothes." I offer. They don't consider this proposition for too long.

"Thank you for your hospitality Cora. We really appreciate this." Nightwing says. I still can't get over their names. I swear I've heard the name 'Nightwing' a thousand times before.

"It's no problem. You guys are apparently from a different dimension so you would probably have a really hard time in this one." I say with a shrug. "Like with your names and those outfits. In your dimension they're probably normal, but in this one they seem very outlandish and kinda weird. No offense."

"Well to be honest, these outfits aren't really what we usually wear and these aren't really our names. In our universe we're vigilantes." He says in a stage whisper. Something starts niggling at the back of mind.

"That's a bit of a relief, if we're being honest. It's good to know you're normal, ya know?" I say.

"Normal is a relative term." Robin says as he enters the spare room across from mine. The Reds have disappeared into the other so are bedroom.

"Uh, yeah, sorry. I'll just, get the clothes now." I blush in embarrassment.

Wandering down the hall into my parent's room, I find some old shirts and some jeans with a couple shorts that my dad never wears. I look at my pile and nod in satisfaction. Now to find clothes for Robin.

I walk down the hall to my room and search my drawers for some shorts that aren't too feminine. I also pick apart my closet for my hoodies and shirts that might not be too big. I like oversized sweaters so this was a fairly hard task.

I finally make it to my other drawers for a couple big shirts. I stole some of my dad's old ones from when he was younger so these should fit Robin fairly well.

I march out of my room to where Robin and Nightwing are staying. I knock and hear a faint 'come in.' I walk inside with the mound of clothes. I peek out from behind it with a smile.

"I brought Robin some clothes. These ones are smaller. I'll be bringing the bigger clothes to you older boys soon because that pile is also bigger." I explain, setting down the pile. "How are you guys doing in here? is there anything you need?"

"We are doing fine thank you, Miss Sanchez." Robin says very politely, but way too formal for me.

"I'm glad, but you can just call me Cora. Or if you have a nickname in mind I'd like that too." I say and he nods silently. None of then really talk much, as I've noticed. Robin talks the most and he still doesn't say a lot.

"Well I will let you get changed and I'll come back with clothes for you Nightwing." I say, walking out with a smile still on my face. I don't usually have guests so this is actually fairly exciting for me.

I practically skip back to my parent's bedroom where I left the huge pile of clothes. I grab it and haul them all to the middle of the two doors separating the two rooms that the boys are staying in. Nightwing is standing outside the door, probably giving Robin some privacy to change.

"Here they are. You can get first pick while I get the other two." I say. I walk to the door that houses the other two boys who I assume are the middlest based on dynamic.

I knock and I get a muffled reply again. I walk just as I let them know that the clothes are in the hall. They sprint past me in a flash and shove each other to get there quicker. I smile at their antics.

I think this is the start of something very fun.

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