Roberto the Cat vs. The Cat Food

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There was once a cat named Roberto. Roberto never liked his name, but his owner was obsessed with Italian men and cats. She owned 68 cats! But when Roberto's owner went on vacation, she only took 67 cats by accident rather than 68. That last cat left was Roberto. At home, Roberto was confused when he couldn't find a single other cat in the house. "Mrow? Meow mrow mwao? (Huh? Where is everybody?)" Roberto said confused. He went around the house searching for his owner. She was nowhere to be found. Roberto started to get hungry, and so he went around looking for food. Roberto went down to the basement to look for the spare 50lb bag of cat food. While searching, Roberto came across a room, it was no ordinary room though. It was a massive stash of cat food. So much that when Roberto entered the room, he was buried under the cat food! Did Roberto survive?

lol nope.

When the owner returned from vacation she went down to the basement to get some cat food and saw a Roberto there dead. Did the owner survive from the shock?

lol nope.

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