Kidnapped s/o (Starwolf)

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So I was being impatient as usual, got jittery, got inspiration at one in the morning, wrote these! Quite happy with the results, hope anyone who sees these find it interesting, too.

s/o = significant other

I try my best to make you and-or s/o genderless :)

*Rewritten! :D


Wolf O'donnell

- Oh boy. Nobody can calm him down now. 

- Wolf is absolutely livid. Whoever thought they had the right to take something that was his -especially his s/o; pissed him off. Royally.

- He's gonna be having a great time when he gets his hands on whoever thought they'd get away with this; will probably cackle a little at the thoughts going through his head in the moment- irrationally upset at first, and then he gets extremely articulate.

- Will then spend all of his time and energy on trying to track you and your kidnappers down- he has eyes everywhere, you know. He is, frankly, the definition of 'fuck it' in this situation.

- He ain't afraid to storm through the entire Lylat system if it means finding his s/o again.. Wolfs also not afraid to send out everyone in Sargasso base and speaking how he is the Lord of the place, what he says? Goes.

- When he does find you - and he'll be damned if he doesnt - the people who kidnapped his s/o are for it; he's gonna give them hell.

- "Hmph. Thought you could manage to take my s/o, and get away with it, hmm? You have some damn nerve, messing with the leader of Star Wolf like this.."

- ..Will probably have four extra zeros on his bounty when this is over..

- He'll definitely be keeping a much closer eye on you after this; it may be a little annoying, but its his way of showing he cares (Other than starting a crusade, but you get the point).


Leon Powalski

- Leon is quite amused at the fact that some ragtag 'criminals' would even attempt using his s/o for random. He's surprisingly calm and collected throughout the whole event. Mostly..

- Obviously, as the 'Great' Leon, as well as an assassin.. He knows his way around the block quite well with these situations and therefore has the least amount of trouble discovering his s/o's location. It doesn't take him long to find out who the culprits are and track them down.

- Of course when he gets there, he's quite delighted! The looks on there faces are priceless. They should've thought ahead before attempting this after all.

- He takes his time. Ushering you on away to the Wolfen and telling you to wait. He's going to be having a great time handling the people who attempted to hurt you.

- "Now, now.. Do keep screaming, would you? Its much more enjoyable that way.. This will teach you not to mess with me. Unfortunately for you, though- you wont be living to see the day you learn from this but, even in death, you will never forget what happened today."

- Your never gonna know what happened in that room, obviously, he refuses to tell you. But he does tell you it was in good intention and for your own safety! They won't be bothering you again.

- Like Wolf he'll become much more watchful, but in a much more subtle way.


Panther Caroso

- Likely the calmest out of everyone, but still a little unnerved nonetheless.

- They've made quite the mistake, daring to take his lovely s/o away from him like this.

- Very insightful; won't take him long to find you either, although not as quickly as Leon.

- But he will do plenty of research beforehand.

- He trusts in your abilities; he's worried about you, but is also confident you can hold out while he prepares to 'storm the fortress'.

- Using his charm he would likely slip in unopposed only to backstab the culprits as quickly as they let him into there hideout.

- Would leave a rose in his wake like usual; just a friendly reminder that people shouldn't take what doesn't belong to them- it's a sincere warning to anyone thinking of daring to try something like this again.

- "All who see my rose meet death.. Let this bear warning to stay out of my way!"

- Like the other two, won't leave you on your own for a while- but will contrarily relent.

- "As much as I want to be there for you, I'm sure you can handle it on your own next time."

- Definitely going to teach you some combat methods so you don't get into this situation again.


Andrew Oikonny

- Out of all of them? He's the least prepared.

- Will throw a hissy fit for two minutes when he learns you've been kidnapped.

- "They cant have s/o! s/o belongs to me!"

- ..Then he remembers his uncle is one of the most conniving people in the Lylat system.

- Can't maneuver a spacecraft to save his own hide, not to mention yours.

- What's Andrew to do in a time like this? Well he'll resort to begging his uncle Andross relentlessly, obviously!

- Your probably the only person in the entire universe who can handle Andrew and not want to tear your fur or scales out; eventually gets what he wants though, being the location of you and the kidnappers, and some backup just so he'll finally go away.

- ..So he dives on in, no plan or anything.

- That went about well as everyone thought it would.

- Been ten minutes, your both probably trapped now; new record.

- I mean I guess he tried? Give him a point for effort..

- In the end you probably have to get both yourself and him out of this situation.. Somehow.

- He'll take credit for it anyways, but you let it slide; you loved him after all ( somehow) despite his tantrums.

- Will probably need some hugs after though- just for some reassurance that you won't go away like that again. 


HOO boy I did the thing, i'm going the heck to sleep now

Also yeah editing time, when im jittery, I miss a lot of things 

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