Chapter 1

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Michelle stared at the mess that lay before her on the floor of their flat.

"Oh god..." She breathed, her breath catching in her throat. She stumbled backwards, reaching for the kitchen worktop to steady herself. Her knuckles whitened as she clung tightly to the surface, waiting and hoping desperately that the man she had once loved so dearly would move. Just a tiny movement would be enough: a twitch of a finger; a blink of an eye. But still nothing. Michelle brought her free hand up to cover her mouth as she stifled a sob.

Suddenly snapping out of her trance, she reached over to her bag, fumbling inside for her phone. She flipped open the case, tapped in the passcode with trembling hands, and immediately dialled the number of the only person she could think of.

After three rings, she picked up.

"Carla?" Michelle whispered.

"What? Chelle, I can't hear you, let me... I'm going outside, one sec..."

The sound of Cher's 'Believe' blaring through the tinny speaker told Michelle that the party in the Rovers was still very much in full swing. She felt a wave of relief wash over her, knowing that her boys would still be there until the early hours of the morning, buying them some extra time.

"Right, start again, I can hear you now." Carla stated.

"Carla, please come here."

Carla recognised the panic in her friends voice immediately.

"Where's here? The Bistro?"

"The flat."

"I'm on my way, babe."

Michelle put the phone down and turned back towards the floor by the dinner table. Still no movement. She took a step forward, hoping her movements would encourage something from her partner. Still nothing.

The buzzing of the front door caused her to jump. She took a deep breath and picked up the phone.

"It's me."

Unable to form the words to reply, Michelle pressed the button to allow her friend into the building, waiting until she heard that familiar knock on the door before releasing the latch, opening up the horrors of what was inside to the outside world.

Carla's face was ashen with worry underneath the cat whiskers that she had reluctantly drawn on. It was typical Carla, not wanting to get fully dressed up. She wore her usual black jeans and black top, but now sported a pair of cat ears over her flowing dark curls. In all the drama, Michelle had forgotten that it was Halloween, and that she too was dressed up. As an angel, ironically. Although, at some point in the evening she had lost her halo. It was like some sort of sick metaphor, she thought. It should have been the other way round. She should have allowed Kate to be the angel and taken on the role of the devil herself. After all, that's what she felt like, after what she'd done.

"What's happened?" Carla asked, coaxing the door slowly open. Seeing Michelle's tear stained face had started her heart beating faster.

"It was an accident..." Michelle whispered, still not allowing the door to fully open.

"What was? Chelle, you have to let me in." She too was starting to panic.

Michelle shook her head as she stepped into the flat, allowing her friend to fully enter. She immediately slammed the door behind her, causing Carla to jump. She didn't want anyone else in on their secret. Not yet, anyway.

"Oh, Chelle..." Carla breathed, taking in the room. Michelle started crying again.

"I've killed him!" She cried, clinging desperately to her friends arm.

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