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Paul:WTH!U added my GF!Why???

Maria:Paul!Have u got a problem with me being here?

Paul:No baby.It's not like that!

Maria:U sure?

Paul:Yeah!BTW Ander!I'm missing u a lot

Ander:I'm Missing U Guys A Lot.

Isabel:Guys!Stop with this emotional talk!He's crying now

Juan:like really???

Ander:Any doubts?


Romelu:Hey guys
Good morning

Jesse:hey boys
And girls


Andreas:I was thinking we should have a dinner together once I return to Manchester

We should bring our GF or wife too

MROJO:Kids as well

We'll plan it once our holiday is over

Evelina:what's up?

Paul:I'm going to my mum's place

Edurne:I'm at the beach!Sun bathing with David

Jesse:And I'm chilling at the hotel

Fred:Hey Edurne
What's up with you and David?

David:What do u mean?😠

Edurne:Dave!Take a Chill pill😛


Edurne:I'm still angry at him

Marcus:Good for him
Don't forgive him🤭

David:Are u guys even my friends?

Sergio:Obviously we are
But you have to apologise to Edurne
That was mean

David:She's not talking to me
Just avoiding me all the time
Idk what to do

Kaya:Hey guys
You know what David
You should try to impress her

Flowers and all😍

Come on David

David:I'm gonna pluck some flowers from the garden of the beach🤫

After a few minutes

Lee:Where's David? Did he even apologise???

Phil:Wait!seriously you guys have no patience

Kaya:As if u have?🙄


Phil:What's so funny Chris???😨

Chris:Kaya scolding you!🤣

Phil:Shut the f**k up!Ok?🤪

Juan:No swearing allowed in group😒

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