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A.N: The only charecter I own is Rose. All credits of Avengers plot and other charecters goes to Marvel and Stan Lee. And all Percy Jackson references belong to Rick Riordan.

I was there when Percy, my half-brother defeated Kronos. I was also there for the battle against Gaea, and I know the Seven personally. But that was some time ago. Who am I, you may ask. My name is Rosalie Angel Olympian, 20 years old, daughter of Poseidon, Princess of Olympus, and blessed by all twelve Olympians. I am also one of the most powerful Greek gods there are. I can fly, control the elements, I can see the future, and almost anything you can think of. Strange thing is, is that I can sometimes manipulate power, souls, minds, time, space, and reality, although its not my strongest suit. My mother is Amphitrite making me full god and immortal.I am also a great fighter. I have armour that appears when I need along with two 12-inch daggers, a bow and arrow that transforms into a necklace,a whip in the shape of a silver snake that wraps around my upper arm, a trident as a bracelet, and a beautiful sword as a ring. Good thing is that all my armour and weapons are made of vibranium meaning they are indestructable and verry stable and easy to use. Unfortunately about a hundreds years ago, Aphrodite got very angry at my dad and cursed him saying that his next daughter would only fall in love once, and if her heart were to be broken it would remain that way forever. That ended up being me. After I was born, Aphrodite tried taking away the curse but she couldn't do it. But she promised to try to make sure that I fell for the right person.

This is my story as an Avenger.

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