I was beyond speechless.

Ivory? P-Pregnant? This had to be some sort of sick joke!

"Say something," Haden growled and Ivory put her hand on his lap to calm him down. He immediately held her hand and squeezed it gently. In a reassuring manner.

My head started to throb badly. Blurriness clouded my vision as my eyes began to hurt.

"Are you okay?" Ivory asked.

I tried to speak but I couldn't. My head began spinning and I felt myself falling. The last thing I saw was Haden and Ivory standing over me as I faded into the darkness.

I gasped as my eyes fluttered open to reveal a man staring at me as I lay on the couch.

"What happened?" I questioned.

"I'm Doctor Johnson, just take it easy Aubrey. You fainted because of your iron deficiency. I phoned the hospital and got access to your records. I also contacted your family and they confirmed that you have anemia. Have you been taking tablets for anemia?" He asked.

"I haven't for a while. I guess I forgot," I added shyly while looking away from him.

"That's not something you should forget Aubrey. It's important and you are putting your health at risk."

"I know, I know," I sighed.

Haden stepped into the room with a glass of water which he passed to me. I was surprised at his gesture as I took the water and drank it.

"So doc, will she be okay?" Haden asked. Why is he acting like he cares? Does he actually care?

"Yes, she will as long as she takes her pills. She's anemic, it's an iron deficiency. She has to eat alot of food with iron in it or she will get really sick. Please ensure your wife takes her pills." Doctor Johnson said as he packed up his bag to leave.

"I will doctor," Haden answered.

Doctor Johnson left a few minutes after, leaving Haden and I alone in the room.

"Aubrey," he started," Please set me free from this marriage," Haden spoke softly for the first time to me. Did he really want to run away from me that much?

"Its a contract Haden. There's no way out of it. It says we have to spend atleast 3 years together. We can't get divorced. I'm sorry," I whispered softly.

"Fuck! I never read the contract. Why did I sign that shit?" He growled in frustration.

"Wait a second, that means you read it Aubrey. Why didn't you say something? You just signed those documents. Now I have to waste 3 years of my life with you," Haden yelled.

"For heaven's sakes, my parents asked me to do this. I'm sorry okay. I had no idea you hated me that much. I didn't know I disgusted you. I'm sorry!" I yelled.

He remained silent for a while then left the room.

I stood up on wobbly legs and made my way upstairs. I wiped the tears from my eyes and went to my room.

He loves her. And I will never have a chance.


Aubrey's words stung in my brain and I couldn't get her broken voice out of my head.

I did not like her but do I really hate her? I don't think I've ever hated a person before. I mean sure I wanna get out of this marriage and leave her penniless but still, I don't think I could hate her or anybody for that matter.

"What are you thinking about?" Ivory's soft voice interrupted my train of thought. My arms were wrapped around her as we laid in bed.

How would Aubrey feel about this? I'm sure she'd be angry or hurt-

Wait I don't care how she feels. I can do as I please.

"Nothing," I answered.

"Maybe we shouldn't be together right now. You're married and your wife is right next door," Ivory blurted.

"What? Aubrey knows that this marriage is just a contract and it doesn't matter what either of us do. I love you and our baby Ivory. My future is with you, not her."

"Well I guess you're right," She muttered as I captured her lips in a warm kiss. She responded immediately and I couldn't help myself. The kiss was full of nothing but love.

Sometime after, I saw Ivory snoring softly in my arms. That brought a smile to my face. I promise you Ivory I will marry you.

I woke up the next morning with Ivory still wrapped up in my arms. This is perfect.

I climbed out of bed ensuring not to wake her and brushed my teeth. After that I went downstairs to make something to eat.

Two plates were already on the counter with bacon, eggs, pancakes and a glass of orange juice. My mouth watered at the sight of the meal. Aubrey was on the opposite side of the counter eating her own breakfast.

"Is this for Ivory and I?" I questioned and she nodded.


"You're welcome," She said dryly.

A couple minutes later Ivory came downstairs and took a seat at the table.

It was fairly awkward as we all ate in silence.

"This tastes amazing," Ivory swooned, "You can cook really well. Where did you learn to make food like this?" She complimented Aubrey causing her to blush.

"Thanks but it's just eggs and pancakes. It's nothing special. I learnt from my mom. Plus I had to cook for my niece and nephew when my sister wasn't around," Aubrey smiled genuinely. Seems like she enjoyed talking about her niece and nephew.

Now that I think about it, her smile is really beautiful.

What am I thinking? I don't like her and I shouldn't think of her in that way.

"Aww. How old are they?" Ivory cooed.

"My niece is 4 and my nephew is 6. Their names are Sophia and Antonio." Aubrey grinned as she showed Ivory a picture of them on her phone.

"They are absolutely adorable," Ivory smiled.

"Yes and quite the handful," she admitted and Ivory laughed.

Ivory is such a kind soul. She has every right to be angry at Aubrey but here she is smiling and chatting with her.

"Hey, why don't we all go somewhere. We should take a mini vacation. To free our minds from this, situation," Ivory suggested.

"To where?" I questioned.

"How about Tahiti or Hawaii. No, Paris! What do you think Aubrey?" She smiled.

"I think you should both go. I'm not feeling well and I'll probably feel worse if I travel," Aubrey said.

"Aww c'mon Aubrey," Ivory urged.

"Its fine Ivory. You guys have fun. Please don't push this," Aubrey replied, a fake smile plastered on her face.

"Alright, I understand."

"Ivory you should start packing. We will leave tomorrow," I said.

"I have to pick up my clothes at my home so I'll go do that now," Ivory giggled in excitement as she walked upstairs.

Aubrey and I were left alone in an awkward silence.

"Umm Haden, I have the two tickets to Tahiti. I got it from your mom. I think you should take it. It wouldn't make sense buying another pair of tickets," a smile was plastered on her face as her voice broke. 

That actually tugged at my heart a little.

"Yeah thanks."

"You're welcome. I hope you both have a good time. I'm gonna do the laundry," she said awkwardly as she left the kitchen.

I stared at the two tickets in my hand. I should be happy that I'm taking Ivory with me. So why does it feel like Aubrey should be going instead? Why does it feel as if I've cheated her out of something she really wanted?

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