𝟙𝟙: 𝕓𝕖𝕤𝕥 𝕞𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕒𝕜𝕖

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"maybe i'm the sinner and you're the saint"

"maybe i'm the sinner and you're the saint"

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Luna's pov

"I'm sorry." Oscar hugged me from behind.

"For what?" I turn back to look at him.

"For what Catalina said. She shouldn't have brought your mom into this." He pouted as turned me around so we were facing each other.

"Its okay." I pout as he lightly pecked my lips.

"Wanna watch mean girls?" I suggest and he laughed and nodded.

"Okay princess." He grinned.

I jumped into his bed and got all comfy. Oscar quickly followed me and left no space between us.

He wasn't even watching because he kept falling asleep.

"Oscar!" I poke him which was like poking a bear with a stick.

"What?" He groaned.

"Can you watch it with me?" I pout as i ate popcorn.

"No. Now leave me alone." He got all comfy in his bed.

I threw a piece of popcorn at his face. I continued to do so until i got a reaction.

He quickly grabbed me by the neck. Kinda gentle kinda not. "You better stop it before i kiss you."

"What if i want you to kiss me?" I just looked at him filled with lust as i threw another piece of popcorn at him.

Then he brought me into a strong ass kiss.

"Damn." I bit my lip as he started kissing down my neck.

"No hickies sir." I giggled as he continued to kiss down my neck.

"You are so cute." Oscar smiled at me.

"Thanks ugly." I tease him as i kissed his cheek.

"Where you going?" I pout as Oscar put his shoes on.

"Prophets are trolling around the area. You stay indoors today understood." He kissed me with so much power.

Then he took off.

I was really bored right.

So i decided to go home. Which was next door.

And tell me why every time im here miguel and gia are?

Ughh awkward. The tension is crazy.

"Hey Luna." Gia waved as she made dinner.

"Hey." I mutter as i grab a water in the fridge.

"Can you and your dad go to the store and get me a few things." She handed me a list.

"Why do i have to go?" Im freaking out. Why? Why? Why?

"Because your dad doesn't know how to pick fresh vegetables." She laughed as Miguel walked into the kitchen all offended.

"Ready?" Miguel smiled at me as i just stared at him.

"Sure." I slowly follow him to his car.

What in the actual fuck did i sign up for.

We got in the car and sat silently as he drove to the store.

"Soo umm how you likin Freeridge?" He cleared his throat.

"Its cool." I blurt out as i look through the passenger window.

He let out a depressing sigh as he continued to drive.

Not gonna lie. I felt like a bitch.

Then i remembered when Oscar told me to try and talk to my dad. And that i'll regret not getting to know him while i still got the chance.

Okay fine. I'll do it for Oscar.

"The barbecue was really nice." I forced myself to speak up.

"Oh thank you." He grinned at me. "I try to do that every month. I know a lot of the Santos don't got family so it's important to let them know they do got family."

"Family orientated. Interesting." I mumble.

"I'm sorry." He spoke up.

I looked over at him.

"I should've been in your life. And i wasn't. And thats my fault." He sighed.

"Its fine." I sigh. "Its good to know that you took in other people. Who had nothing." I spoke up.

"Oh Martín? Yeah. Poor kid. I found him on the streets. Santos took him in. We're the only family he's got." He sighed.

"Sooo what are you?" I question.

"What do you mean?"

"So i know Oscar is the leader. Then what are you?" I raise my brow at him.

"Well i was the temporary leader since Spooky was in prison for 4 years. He couldn't take over after his father past. But now that he's back he is."

"Wait hold up. Prison?" I looked up at him as he nodded.



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