Salt in the Wounds

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=Peter's P.O.V=

Mr Stark started to talk. I just listened, I didn't really contribute to the rest of the conversation. "Why didn't you tell me? I would have helped, got you out of the situation. I realise you still love her, but living with pain is unnatural." He stared into my eyes, and saw that I thought pain was normal. "Kid, what did you do to yourself? I know you hurt yourself on purpose. I know you have scars. Let me help you. Tell me what is on your mind, right now." I was quite taken aback. He doesn't want to hear my thoughts. However he left me no choice. "When you dragged me out of the apartment, I wanted to die, fall asleep forever. When Bruce saved me, I felt like he shouldn't have. His skills are better utilised somewhere else. I do deserve to be hurt, but not quite die. Just punished. Now my thoughts are the same, but I want to live instead of die. That's it." Mr Stark just sat there and listened. I was so casual. I wanted to live. He told me to rest, and that I should have healed by the morning. I fell asleep quickly, but my sleep was riddled with nightmares. Me or my friends and family dying, being taken away from everyone forever, people I couldn't save. I woke up in a cold sweat, screaming and crying until I snapped back to reality. I rocked back and forward in my hospital bed, and then saw someone come through the doors. I expected it was Mr Stark or Bruce coming to check on me. It looked like a man. He came close to my bed, head hung low. "Hello, Peter Parker. Or should I say Spiderman?" I didn't recognise the voice. I reached for my call button, which alerts Mr Stark, but I can't find it. Holding up a button with a snapped wire, the strange man said "Looking for this?" He can't see it, but I start to panic and start to whimper, since my vocal chords don't allow me to scream in fear. He clamps a sweaty hand over my mouth and nose, and within minutes I pass out.

=Tony's P.O.V=

I was woken up by FRIDAY, which at the minute seemed really strange. This was the first time in days that I had a proper sleep, and she was interrupting me. "Sir, my security protocols were fried for several minutes and Mr Parker seems to be gone. His suit is where he used to be" I sit up and wonder whether I heard her right. I ran through the halls and into the elevator, where FRIDAY took me to the Medical Floor. I went into Peter's room where all I saw was a note and, like FRIDAY said, Peter's Spider Suit on his bed. Tears welled in my eyes as I walked over to the empty bed and picked up the note.

How silly you must feel, Tony.

Now I have your little fighting buddy.

Why do you ask? One word. Interrogation.

My version of this word is Torture, but my boss

told me not to use that word so...

Anyway, you will never find him, unless he's dead of


Yours Sincerely,


=Peter's P.O.V=

I woke up flat on my chest, and my limbs are pinned down in a star position. What the hell do they want me for? I struggle against whatever's holding me down, but that draws attention. "Ah Peter, Your finally awake!" I hear footsteps approaching me. Multiple footsteps. "Let's begin, shall we boys." He began whispering directions. If I focused, I'd probably hear them, but I'm so tired and worried. "So here's how it's going to work, Peter. You're going to tell us everything you know about the Avengers, or you will be tortured to death. OK?" I stayed silent and still. "Right then. Boys, inject him and start the torture." I flinched every time they said that word. Torture. They rolled up my right sleeves and ripped off my bandages. "Sick scars dude" I still stayed silent. I looked over in the voices direction, and saw he was holding a large syringe full of a glowing purple substance. He stuck the needle into my arm and slowly pushed the purple into my veins. I didn't know what it was meant to do until around 2 minutes later. They had taken away my Spider Sense!! I was really weak, and I could barely lift my head. They clamped open my back wounds very badly, and guess what they did. They put literal pure salt into my wounds. Every so often they would stop and ask me questions. I answered a total of 0 times. This went on all day today. "We'll do something else tomorrow. Stitch 'em up boys." It was as if they were rushing the stitches, and they did a terrible job. They removed my restraints and flipped me over. I tried to fight, and run away, but I was already weaker than usual. They easily pinned me back down, strapping my arms by my side instead. My legs were still far apart from each other. Soon they left me to lie on my back, allowing the salt to crystalize my blood. I fell asleep easily, and it felt like seconds before they woke me up. "Alright, beauty sleep over. Let's begin" The unknown man kneeled at my feet and pulled down my trousers. I knew what he was going to do. I tried to plead as they were injecting me. "Don't please, no, don't, stop." They gagged me to muffle my screams. You know what they did. I can't, won't tell you what happened. But if you understand, they did it to me twice. Twice. I cried myself to sleep that night. I'm going to die here. Just let me go. It is too painful.

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