Jeffrey Woods

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It was in Science that I met him. I didn't know his name, but I knew he was the one.

He was so hot. Shoulder length black hair, a white hoodie. He was everything. Although I couldn't see his face, as his hood was up and covering it.

"Uh. Hey. I'm- uh- (Y/N)," I stuttered, sitting next to him.

"Jeff." His voice was smooth and sexy. I loved it.

"Nice name."

He looked down, I saw some hair hang out of his hood. "Thanks."

I held out my hand. He flinched, but when he saw that I wasn't going to hurt him, he hesitantly shook it.

"Has someone hurt you?" I asked. I could tell by the way he flinched.

"It's none of your business."


"Okay, today we have a new student. Would he like to come up?" Mrs. James announced. Jeff stood and walked to the front of the class, his hood still on.

"I'm sorry, but no hoods allowed in the building."

"Fine." He took his hood off, which revealed a bloody, carved smile on his mouth. His eyelids were singed off.

But he was... cute?

The class looked at him in horror. He just laughed crazily and put his hood back on. Mrs. James stared at him.

"W-would you like to tell us a bit about yourself?"

"I'm Jeffery Woods. I hate everyone."

"Wow," I said once he sat back down.

" 'Wow' what?" Jeff asked.


"I know, my face. It's a wonderful... thing."

"It's kinda sexy in a weird, twisted way."

"Wait, what." Jeff stared at me.

"Uh. Did I just say that aloud?" I blushed.



"Heh, it's fine. I'm surprised you're not scared of this," he gestured to his face.

"How did..." I trailed off.

"I made it myself. My masterpiece."

"But how?"

"I got set on fire by some bullies at my old school, made my hair black and my skin pale white. Don't ask me how, I don't know. I later carved the smile and burned off my eyelids."

"Woah. Then, like, how do you blink or whatever?"

"I don't. It was hard at first, but then I grew used to it. Same with sleeping."

"Ah. Cool."

"Yeah. I'm generally more aggressive, but you seem okay, so I won't be." Jeff shrugged.


He chuckled, mostly to himself.

"What's so funny?" I asked.

"You," Jeff replied.


"Do you even know who I am?"

"Uh, you're Jeff.. with an awesomely creepy face."

"Wrong. I'm a killer. Jeff the Killer." He said.

Then it dawned on me; no wonder why he looked so familiar. He's Jeff the killer!


"Yeah." he interrupted me.

"So you--"



"Wait, you're not, like, scared, or anything?"

"Nope. I think it's cool. I wish I did that."

"You do?" Jeff asked, obviously surprised.

"Sure. Ever since I was little I've wanted to hurt other people. Several years' worth of counseling is the only thing that has been keeping me from doing that," I answered.

"Woah. I've never met anyone here who likes hurting others like me."

"Same. Bullies just hurt others because they've been hurt. Yes, I've been bullied, but like, I hurt just because it's fun."

"Same!" Jeff exclaimed.

The class turned to look at us. "Sorry," I said. The class then returned to what they were doing. Apparently, we weren't paying attention, as I saw tests on our desks.

"Ah, shit," Jeff cursed.



The lunch bell rang 20 minutes later. Jeff and I talked while walking to the cafeteria.

Two Murderers (Jeff the Killer x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now