"That sounds like a very interesting story." Jiraiya noted, suddenly calm. "But more on the matter at hand, Sensei did mention that you know my old student because he's the teacher of Hatake's brat now."

"If Kakashi heard you call him a brat, he'd chop off your b-"

"I really don't want to hear that word from a small female child." Jiraiya interrupted blandly.

Naruto smiled winningly.

Rolling his dark eyes, Jiraiya beckoned the little blonde over.

"Alright, all jokes aside, let's go to the living room." The Sage said. "If he walks right in and sees me, he's less inclined to murder me with kitchen utensils."

"Whilst wearing a fluffy pink apron." The blonde muttered.


"Nothing!" Naruto chirped, shooting past the tall man and down the hall.

Shaking his head, Jiraiya followed after the little fireball, and after a few minutes the goofballs were seated civilly in Sakumo's living room, playing cards.

"Four of a kind." Jiraiya declared, slapping a fan of cards onto the glass coffee table.

Naruto looked up from the comfy chair she sat in, peering at the man over her own cards with furrowed blonde brows.

"What? I thought we were playing gold fish."

"Are you serious?" The Sage spluttered. "How is that even possible!?"

Just then, three chakra signatures the blonde recognized made it to the front door. Keys jangled for a bit, and then the door was swinging open.

"Naru-chan I'm home!"

Naruto tossed her cards onto the table, causing Jiraiya to choke as he caught sight of her royal flush.

"You little shit!" He sputtered, face beet red as Naruto cackled, rushing to glomp the other tall man stepping across the front door's threshold.

"Welcome home Saki-chan!" The blonde exclaimed, grinning masked face buried in his abdomen as she squeezed him affectionately.

Sakumo chuckled, ruffling the top of her long unruly hair.

"What are we, chopped liver?" Minato joked, stepping around the hugging duo, Kakashi on his heels.

"Nah, you're so innocent Minato, more like lamb chops." Naruto said, pulling away from Sakumo to give the seventeen year old an impish grin. "And Kakashi is minced puppy."

"Ha ha." The littlest Hatake deadpanned, crossing his arms.

"So I suppose I'm the side of frog legs?"

Everyone turned to the new speaker, and everyone save for Naruto gave a greeting.



"Who's this clown?"

"Rude." Jiraiya huffed, giving Kakashi the stink eye before he looked back up at Sakumo, flashing a grin and thumbs up. "Long time no see Sakumo! And you too o' genius student of mine! Hello and hugs all around!"

The littlest Hatake snorted, shuffling over to Naruto as they both watched Sakumo and Minato make their way over to the Toad Sannin, already catching up.

"You let that guy into the house?" Kakashi muttered.

"More like he let himself in and barged into my room." Naruto snorted. "But anyways, he's cool. I met him on Saturday after I ran off and hung with him after school yesterday. I know I should've said something, but after I came home from hanging with him I was too tired to mention it."

Tale of A Golden GirlWhere stories live. Discover now