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PLEASE! Do NOT read this if you haven't finished the manga/anime.

I don't own Naruto, or the front image.

Thank you for reading.

She felt herself falling. She didn't know how she was a she when mere moments before she had been a he. He had been content, finding inner peace with his brother after bringing peace to the lands, and settling their lingering differences on the battle field one last time. They had both lost a lot of blood, and were both ready to enter the pure lands together, to reunite with their families on the other side.

But it would seem, some force had other plans for her.

Sakumo Hatake faced a choice.

A horrible unavoidable choice.

He could either kill Chiyo, the Sand puppet master, with the result of her still wiping out his entire team, or he could sacrifice the rest of his chakra and shunshin them all out of the area, and Chiyo's reach, resulting in the failure of the mission.

He hesitated, his white chakra blade faltering its descent into the back of the old woman's throat.

He made a choice in a split second.

Ignoring the consequences, Sakumo threw himself between her army of puppets, and his incapacitated team, gathering chakra for a massive shunshin.

But it would seem, fate had other plans for Sakumo.

There was a loud crash, signifying the birth of angry thunder, and a tear, as if the universe itself was giving way to some egregious burden.

The blue sky disappeared, exploding with a swirling vortex of gold, red, yellow, and orange that spat out a heavy orb of flames. It was so fast as it fell, that it distorted the air around it, leaving a trail of gold.

Both Chiyo and Sakumo paused in their actions. Though, they probably shouldn't have, because the flaming orb slammed into the old puppeteer with a heinous force from above, instantly knocking her into unconsciousness.

Sakumo gawked as a mass of golden chakra arms sprouted up around Chiyo, two of them snapping her broken neck back around from its twisted position, healing the bruises that had immediately erupted across the woman's face upon impact. Chiyo's neck had been set right so soon after it had snapped, that the split second that injury took to kill someone hadn't even been able to take effect.

Sakumo was astounded by the sheer speed. It had been so fast, he hadn't even glimpsed it. But he heard it.

There was another flare of chakra, and the burning gold disappeared, sucked away by an unknown force. The silver haired Hatake blinked, not knowing what to do as his eyes found the young child sprawled face down across Chiyo's middle.

It was a girl, who couldn't be older than his little boy back home, only five, with blonde hair almost as bright as the gold chakra she had given off. It spilled around her in loose ringlets and lazy waves, probably long enough to reach past the back of her thighs. Her skin held a light tan, and she was so small. But what finally jolted the living legend into action, was the bloodied stump that should have been the child's right arm. The stump appeared to still be fresh, singed edges oozing globs of coppery crimson.

Horrified, and just a smidge sceptical, Sakumo bit his thumb, drawing a bead of red as he gathered chakra, and ran through hand seals with expertise. Slamming his calloused hand upon the desert sands, he called out his technique.

"Summoning Jutsu!"

There was a poof of smoke, and as it cleared, it revealed a large, stoic, gray and white husky sitting tall and proud.

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