Chapter sixteen

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{this book has come so so far !! thank you guys so fucking much. it really means a lot to me 💞 over 7k reads and 400 votes that is fucking insane. ilysm !! ✨i was planning on writing smut BUT I CAN'T IM SORRT IM SOFT AND SOMEWHAT PURE. IT LEADS UP TO 'IT' BUT I CAN'T WRITE THE ACTUAL SEX SKHSOEYSIW}

geoff silently cursed his mom in his head. but also thanked her. he didn't want to admit it to awsten. even though he knew awsten loved him back. right? yeah, sure. geoff set his guitar down and awsten got up and started walking downstairs. geoff sighed and followed the younger boy down to the dining room.

geoffs dad was still not home which made him upset but he pushed his thoughts away. he sat down next to awsten who was nervously tapping his fingers on the table cloth. geoff grabbed awstens hand, gently rubbing his thumb over his knuckles. aws visibly relaxed but stiffened again when the sound of a door opening and then being slammed closed rang throughout the house.

Lisa's heels could be heard as the woman marched her way toward the door. neither geoff or awsten could see what was going on. all they could do was listen. through the thick walls geoff could make out the sound of his fathers voice. both boys stayed in their seats until the sound of glass breaking was heard.

geoff quickly jumped out of his seat and bolted toward the room, awsten following. there was a broken vase that was scattered around lisa's feet. michael was staring angrily at lisa. you practically see the steam shooting out of his ears. geoff looked over at his mom who was looking at her husband with an almost angrier look.

"what's going on?!" geoff shouted, making awsten jump. without taking her eyes off michael lisa said in an emotionless tone, "geoff take awsten home." geoff furrowed his eyebrows, "but mo-"

"now geoffrey!" she growled.

geoff nodded, grabbing awstens hand he lead him outside to his car. they both got in without a word leaving either of their mouths. geoff started his car and pulled out of his drive way. he started driving towards awstens house.


when they got there, geoff sheepishly asked, "hey. . . can i crash here tonight?" awsten rolled his eyes, "of course you idiot. im not letting you go back there tonight," geoff smiled, a genuine smile.

"thanks aws," awsten smiled back and nodded. he walked up to his door and unlocked it, he let geoff in first and followed, closing the door. he tossed his keys on the stand next to the door.

"wanna watch a movie?" awsten asked, walking over to the couch and plopping down, he grabbed the remote and went to netflix. "yeah sure,"

"okay what?" awsten question.

"ooh, let's watch alice and wonderland." awsten giggled and searched through the family movies until he found it. he put it on and oattes the spot next to him, motioning for geoff to sit next to him. the brunette did so and blushed when awsten leaned on him. geoff wrapped his arm around the precious boy.


[this is where the "smut" starts. not much but skip if ur uncomfortable]

about fourty-five minutes passed and awsten groaned, "im bored!" he whined. geoff chuckled, "what do you wanna do?"

awstens cheeks blushed a scarlet red as he looked up at geoff with innocent eyes. "i was thinking. . . we do something."

geoff raise his eyebrow, "yeah?" awsten bit his lip and nodded, he sat up and climbed on top of geoff and straddled his waist. geoff stared at the smaller boy in shock, not that he didn't want to do this he was just surprised that awsten was the first one to make a move.

awsten kissed geoff, snapping the older out of his thoughts. geoff kissed back, placing his hands on awstens hips. he gripped awstens hips harder and moved along with them as the younger boy slowly started to grind on him. geoff let out a low moan earning a smirk from awsten. the blond broke the kiss and sloppily kissed geoff's jawline, eventually moving to his neck. geoff bit his lip, letting out a pathetic whine as awsten found his sweet spot. the effect awsten had on geoff could make a person laugh. geoff was known as this tough guy who broke the hearts of everyone but around this blond boy he was a love sick puppy. he loved awsten.

with his stupidly perfect hair. his stupidly perfect eyes. his stupidly perfect mouth and nose and smile and god the list goes on. geoff was pulled out of his thoughts when awsten was dragging him to his room. geoff finally got himself together and took control of the situation. he pushed awsten onto the bed and climbed on top of him; pinning his hand above his head. awsten whimpered and looked at geoff, his eyes begging for him to do something.

"a-are you sure you want to do this?" geoff asked; he wanted, no, needed to know awsten was okay with this. awsten nodded and geoff nodded back.

["smuts" over]


the next morning, awsten awoke cuddled into geoffs side. "hey princess," geoff said, his raspy morning voice making awsten shudder. "h-hi," he tried to sit up but the pain in his lower back and bum kept him laid down. awsten pouted, "ow," geoff chuckled and gently rubbed awsten's back.

"how'd you sleep?"

"honestly, that was the best sleep ive had in a while." geoff smiled.

"glad to be of service,"

"shut up!".

"that's not what you were saying last night!" geoff singed. awsten buried his face in geoff chest, "hush, go get me a glass of water please." he murmured.

"okay, okay," geoff got up and put his boxers and pants back on, leaving his shirt off. he went down stairs and into the kitchen. after searching through the cupboards he found the glasses and filled one of the cups with water.
careful not to spill it he walked back to awstens room.

he handed the younger boy the water and helped him sit up. aws took a sip and smiled, setting the glass down on his nightstand.

"hey, so what were you gonna tell me yesterday? ya know before the whole dinner disasters."

"oh... uh nothing."

"come on geoff! tell me!"

"awsten no, it's not important."

awsten frowned, "please?"

"jesus christ fine! god dammit awsten knight I love you!"

awstens heart stopped, "w-what."

"i fucking love you."

awsten stayes silent for about to minutes before finally answering.

"geoff. . ." aws began, "you lost."

"what?" geoff stared at awsten.

"the bet. geoff wigington, you lost."

geoff stumbled back a bit, "i-i i need to go," he grabbed his shoes, completely forgetting his shirt he bolted down stairs and out to his car.

  oh did i also mention this is the last chapter? (: hehe

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