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2nd year coming to this boring camp.
same old things same old people.
never anything new or exciting.

i huffed, annoyed but i still went on.
i ducked under, sitting in the small car my father drove. my little sister sat beside me, poking at my shoulder. she was barely in kindergarten; an adorable little thing.

my father, on the other hand.. not that great.
we drove up the highway down the gravel brick road as always. he parked, and i got out with my duffle bag. i gave my sister a kiss and my father a glance.

"we'll miss you!" my father yelled through the glass pane window. i merely waved, agitated at his phony love. miss you my ass; the only reason im being sent here is because ever since mom died, you havent had enough time to love me enough since your pre-occupied with your only loneliness. me and my father are both lonely. and loneliness doesnt like company.

runaway // gabriel x readerWhere stories live. Discover now