
The girl answered, now her smile had vanished.

"I always got headaches. Almost everyday. At first, it was bearable, but one day in a few months ago, it hurt so much i couldn't stand it anymore."

The doctor jotted down the information. Each and every part of it was important. This is so that he could monitor the growth of the tumour.

"Did you go to any other hospitals before this?"

He posed another question.

The girl smiled again.

"No. But i did go to a clinic. The doctor told me that it was a usual migraine and gave me medicines. It worked for a few weeks. My headaches were gone, so i believed it was just a normal migraine."

She stopped halfway in her story.

Still having his pen in hand, Todoroki glanced at the female patient.

"And then?"

He urged her to continue the story, but as he looked at her, he felt an indescribable emotion in his own chest that he couldn't explain.

She was still smiling, it made him confused.

"And then one day, i fainted."

She continued her story.

"My colleague got worried about me, so he brought me here. At first, the doctor in charge of me was a normal doctor, not a specialist in anything. I told him about the migraines i was having, but he noticed that the symptoms i was going through didn't match. He organised an appointment with Dr Aizawa for me, and then here i am."

After writing down every details he got, Todoroki scanned through the previous report from Aizawa. Indeed, everything was the same.

"The sunset, it's beautiful."

The neurosurgeon got surprised once again with his patient's sudden statement. He looked at her, and noticed that her gaze was once again, headed towards the sky. He followed her eyes and saw what (name) was talking about.

The sky... coloured in orange as the sun went down, also amazed him.

It was indeed pretty.

While watching, Todoroki moved his eyeballs to take a side glance at his new patient.

Much to his surprise, the smile she had from before was still there. But this time, her eyes showed a little emotion.



She suddenly called him.


"How long do I have to stay here?"

"In about three days. We need to run another test on you. It's to check the growth of the tumour and its activeness. And then we'll propose suitable treatments for you."

The girl lowered down her face.

"I see..."

She then remained quiet for a while.

Todoroki just stared at her in sympathy. Indeed, she had been smiling from the moment he entered the room, but like normal people, she would be sad to know about her own illness.

And finally, she showed her true feelings.

"Then I don't have to take a long leave."

Todoroki startled.


The girl lifted up her face and smiled again. Cheerfully, this time.

"I mean, i only need to take a three-days leave. That's not long. I was worried that i might need to take a long vacation. If that happens, then my workload would be huge. But it's not, so I'm glad. Thank you!"

The doctor was too surprised to even respond.

So she was worried about her job?!

"Oh! And also, doctor, i am aware that even after I'm discharged, i still need to come frequently to get my checkup done. But please, can you make the appointments on the days I don't work? I don't want to leave my office. Also, you don't have to worry. I'll give full cooperation to you as long as I'm under your care."

Todoroki was a little surprised, but somehow, he managed to keep his cool.

So he responded with a nod.

"And one more thing, doctor."

He lifted up his eyebrow.

What was it this time?


"This hospital takes care of its patients' needs, right?"


The patient clasped her hands together happily.

"Then, can i ask a favour?"

Todoroki didn't respond. He just remained quiet.

Understanding his sign, (name) just told him her request. Her cheerful smile just now slowly turned into a sad one, arousing curiosity in the doctor's heart.

"No matter what happen, don't tell my family about my condition."

The doctor startled.

"And why is that?"

"No particular reason. Just, don't tell them anything, unless, i am dying."

Confused by the request, Todoroki was unable to say anything.

And thus, like that, their first meeting ended.

(Todoroki x Reader) Save MeWhere stories live. Discover now