Chapter 2

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Chapter 2:

The metal table is cold on my hands. The bright fluorescent lights burn my eyes and makes me squint. My hair is greasy and sits slick against my head and the same clothes that I've been in for two days hang wrinkled on my frame. My eyes are lined red and are bloodshot. My voice hoarse and cracked. I'm broken inside and out, and they know it. The door opens and my head shoots up to meet the interrogator. "Miss Brie Thompson. Let's stop playing games... Just tell us what we need to go so you can go and mourn in peace". My eyes remain locked with his, but I couldn't move my mouth to speak; anyway, were would I even start talking about him?

"Brie, please... don't you want justice to be done. Don't you want to help us find out why this happened and who did it? You will only regret not assisting in the end, Brie". The interrogators voice is filled with sympathy and a tear slides down my face. That one tear was enough to break down the emotional dam I had built after hearing the news. The full tidal wave of pent up emotions break as I collapse on the desk letting the sadness consume me and let the pain encase me.

I must have cried there for quite a while for I could barley swallow once the tears stopped flowing. Eventually, I pulled myself together, resolving that I had to stay strong for him and gotten the worst of my emotions out of the way. "Alright, where do you want to begin?" I croak.

"Tell me how you met Jacob Stern". 

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