Decision B

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To hell with not helping him. He had saved your ass twice already and you weren't letting him do this alone.

Waiting until he snuck past the entry of the village, you made your move. Noticing a small side path to your left, you went that way

There was a woman working among chickens and hay with no weapon. You figured you could take her on.

Sneaking up behind her, you grabbed a nearby flat head shovel. When close enough you readied your weapon.

You were about to strike her in the knees when you stepped on a chicken that alerted her to your presence.

Swinging around, you realized she was a zombie and that this may have been a mistake. Still holding your shovel at ready, you did the grossest thing you'd ever done: you beheaded the zombie with a strike of your shovel.

Grissly blood spilled from her neck and onto your clothes. Great, you thought. More stains to remove from yet another pair of clothes.

Noticing that Leon had drawn the attention of the rest of the zombies, you scrambled to find a place to take shelter. Seeing a two story shack standing next to you, you made a break for the door.

"Leon, over here!", you yell while beconning him over.

Taking advantage of your current position, you began blocking windows with bookshelves that were next to them.

While scoping out the place, you had also found a shotgun on the wall upstairs. With only two shells in it at the time, you began looking for shotgun shells.

From upstairs, you could hear Leon talking to himself downstairs, "Why these people? What are they planning? Great, chainsaw."

Hearing a ladder break a window upstairs he cursed, "Shit. Son if a-"

Hearing Leon say chainsaw felt like bad vibes to you. Having found two boxes full of shells, you reloaded the shotgun, cocked it, and were ready to finally be useful to Leon.

As the zombies began breaking through the bookshelves you'd put in front of the windows,  you readied yourself knowing you were both out of time.

Firing the shotgun at the zombies seemed very effective, as it could kill up to three zombies at once.

Going through one of the broken windows upstairs, you walked around the corners of the upstairs and found Leon already on the other side of the house's upstairs.

Standing side by side, you looked at Leon and he gave you a nod of approval. All the zombies were gone, now all that was left was the man, or maybe zombie (you couldn't tell with the paper bag over his head).

After shooting him six times with the shotgun and ten times with Leon's pistol, he finally went down. Going over to the corpse, Leon found a rather valuable ruby on him.

Noticing your bloodstained clothes, Leon offered his coat. Not caring who or what saw, you happily take off your grungy shirt, you put on the warm jacket. Thanking Leon, you noticed a faint rosy color in his cheeks. Was he blushing?

Pushing the thought out of your mind for the moment,  the two of you carried on, passing through the large gates at the other side of the village.

Continue to Chapter 3

*You have obtained a shotgun and Leon's coat

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