Charun's POV

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Fuck. My head is spinning, I can hardly even register what is going on, only enough to know that I do not like it.

Cirava is sitting on my lap, facing me, with their hands tight on my hips. It feels like they're leaning forward? I look up and holY SHIT OKAY NOPE. I think they're trying to be sexy, but it is absolutely not working. I feel their bulges squirming. Oh god, I'm starting to feel sick.

One of their hands moves from my hips, and as soon as I think they might be stopping, I am proved wrong. It moves to lift my chin up, forcing my obvious discomfort to show. They scoot forward a little and chuckle. I feel... that even more now. I am now shivering. We are centimeters apart.

Now it's not that that would usually make me uncomfortable. I love Cirava with all of my heart! The... extra connotations of this situation are what do it. I've known them long enough that I know exactly what they are about to do. Okay Charun, clear your head. How do you get out of this without seeming suspicious?

It hits me, and I realize there is only one way out of this, and it's doing something I've been dreading for a long time. I have to tell them. I try to hide my panic and say, "Uh, Cirava?"

"What is it, sugar?" God damn it, that smirk again.

"I probably should have told you this a while ago." As if my tone of voice doesn't give it away already. They visibly soften. "I'm asexual. Repulsed." I quickly put my arms up in a shield, fearing the worst. My eyes are shut tight.

I feel a hand on my shoulder. On instinct, I slap it away. I hear a faint pained noise. Wait did I just- yeah I did. I look at them. They look... concerned?

"Charun. that reaction doesn't seem exactly... healthy?" Wait.. they're okay with it? Their eye goes wide. "Are you okay? It doesn't matter! Please don't cry." Wait. I'm crying? Why am I crying? They bring their hand up to my face to wipe away some of the tears.

"Charun, please calm down, it's okay." Their voice is a lot softer than usual. I feel their hand on my shoulder again, only this time it stays. I submit to their tactics, and pretty soon I'm trapped in an embrace. "This changes nothing." I'm pulled up and Cirava gives me a kiss on the nose.

"God, I wish my previous matesprit was like you." My voice cracks.

"I don't even wanna know. If they caused you to literally shield yourself, that must have been hell. Wait. Did they...?" I nod.

They pull me onto their lap. "But are you sure? I mean I'm not-" I am immediately silenced by Cirava's finger pressed over my mouth.

"Breathe." I do. I am shaking like a leaf.

"Charun, please stop worrying. I'm not THAT bad of a person. I still love you just as much as I did before. Now shut up and accept the fact that you are valid." I blush a little at that. They place their hand on my cheek and slouch to my level. I look up and am met with a smile. I can't stop to admire them because I am immediately snapped out of my thoughts.

They kissed me. Nothing much, just a peck, but if nothing had calmed me down, that definitely did. I am bright green by now. "Sorry sugar. I wouldn't have done that if I knew." They look embarrassed, and that's a very rare look for Cirava.

"It's okay." I smile at them.

"How far are you willing to go?"

"Cirava." If looks could kill.

"I didn't mean it like that!" They put their hands up. "I never want a repeat of tonight, even on accident." How did I get so lucky...

"As long as it's not blatantly sexual it's okay." They smile at me.

"Thanks. Love you, sugar." I'm back in their arms. God they're clingy tonight. They probably think I need it and, well, they're not wrong.

"Love you too." I snuggle deeper into them. Pretty soon we're both asleep in each other's arms.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2019 ⏰

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