Another footsteps coming in that sounded like running ones, and all I heard was a breathless man as he was trying to get some air in front of the table Melissa and I were sitting at.

"What took you so long, Carl?"

She was about to get up but I kept my hand there, pressing on her thigh slightly so she would know that I didn't want her to leave the chair.

"You should see the reporters down there, Ma'am. I couldn't even walk through, they demanded for my statements" He responded to her, panting.

"Sit down"

Melissa sounded more calm as I heard the chair being moved, and also the sounds of stuff being placed on the table in front of us.

"So," Carl was finally ready to speak when his breathing was slowly getting better. "These are all the reports for the bridge"

"Tell me about it"

Melissa instructed as she shifted a little, getting closer to the table while her hands began to move.

"The front part of the bridge collapsed for around 400 meters" He responded along with the sounds of flipping papers. "Estimated lost at least 60 million"

She sighed and I heard a loud noise that sounded like she closed one file very harshly. So I started to stroke her thigh, reminding her that I was still there and I didn't want to hear my wife gone mad again.

"I don't care about the goddamn bridge" She said strictly. Her voice was low but it was so obvious that she was trying so hard not to yell. "You are telling me that 400 meters long of concrete, and steels, and cables that weigh thousands of tons, collapsed...but not the casualties?"

She finally addressed her major concern about this accident that caused her to yell and wander around this meeting room like someone who just lost her mind.

She repeated herself. "Casualties, Carl"

"As for now, 5 construction workers are found dead"

Melissa went speechless after that. I couldn't imagine what she was feeling now as a President for the company that was given the responsibilities to carry out the project. I was just her wife. I had nothing to do with any of these problems, but even I didn't feel good after hearing what Carl just said, let alone Melissa. There must have been a huge guilt inside her chest when she finally knew about the casualties.

"And the number isn't fix yet. There are workers who still missing and the authorities are carrying out the search and rescue mission around the construction site" He continued.


Melissa asked again. Her voice turned weak.

"4 workers are badly injured and already sent to the hospital, Ma'am"

"Send our staffs there and I want all the bills and reports for compensation by tomorrow"

"For the injured?"

"Yeah, and especially the casualties too. Get the insurance reports and agreements ready as well"

Melissa leaned back against the chair as she brought her hand to mine, intertwining our fingers together.

"May I suggest, Ma'am?" Carl talked again and she just hummed in response. "I think it's better if we wait for the lawyer first before Maas Corps makes any compensation"

"I just read this file right here, Carl" Melissa said. "Reports by the engineers stated that it was caused by structural damage" She sighed again. "It's clearly our fault"

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