Chapter 2: Problems

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Bruna stared at the Austrian. His very presence made her feel uncomfortable. She just wanted to get away from there as soon as possible. But instead of saying something she just stared at him. He had not changed so much since the last time they had seen each other, the only difference was his most notorious beard. It was still Dominic only that he was no longer his Dominic.

"Hi Domi," said Sebastiao after a long time when his sister did not respond.

"Hey Sebastiao, how was the training?" asked the boy, while giving him a warm handshake to the Brazilian.

"It had been quite good, we are ready for this tournament" answered Sebastiao.

While his brother and Dominic had a good conversation about tennis, Bruna stared at them without saying a word. The naturalness of that moment made her even more uncomfortable. It was as if nothing had changed for them, as if she and Dominic were still together. She wanted to cry, but she knew that it would make everything worse.

"Then you want me to train with you? I have a little free time until my next practice" Dominic's voice took her out of her thoughts. Bruna stared at Sebastiao asking for help, but his brother nodded to make her understand that it would be a good idea.

"Yes, why not" answered Bruna as she returned to take out her racket.

Dominic was running to the side of the field while Bruna returned to do a little stretching. When they started playing none of them spoke, they just played. Sebastiao watched them play for a while. From time to time he makes some comment, but after a few minutes he had to leave, his girlfriend was waiting for him.

The minutes passed while they continued practicing, the two tried hard enough, it seemed that they played a real game. In one of the points that Dominic won he cry instantly:

"You have to anticipate that ball, Bru" the mention of her nickname made Bruna exalted. Dominic noticed "I'm sorry, I do not want to make you feel uncomfortable"

"But you do" Bruna replied dryly. Dominic could not look at the girl for a long time what made her feel even sadder "we finish here" said Bruna.

"Bruna" Dominic shouted as he ran towards her "we are going to see each other all the time. I don't want things to be like that"

"That we see each other does not mean we have to talk" said Bruna while packing her things "How is Kiki?"

"She's fine" Dominic answered "But she wants us to fix things, we want to do things right".

"We're fine," said Bruna. Dominic grabbed his arm so she could not leave.

"No, we are not." The Austrian's gaze was fixed on her. His eyes emitted an anger that she had never seen.

"Look, Dominic, we can continue discussing how things are or we can continue with our lives" Bruna let go of his grip "and it seems that we both chose the second one".

Dominic did not say a word while Bruna was leaving the court quickly. When she was far enough away from him, she let out all the tears she was holding.

Bruna locked herself in her room the following hours. She didn't want to go out and meet Dominic, she knew that he would try to talk to her again.

When lunchtime arrived Bruna received a message from Sloane saying that they were waiting for her in the cafeteria. She responded by saying that she preferred to eat in her room, but Sloane was so insistent that they didn't see each other for a long time and that she should go down to lunch with them.

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⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Jun 17, 2019 ⏰

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