Greetings From The Lonely Ones

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MuscleMan led me into a large cafeteria. Looks like I am in an office block of some sort, but the room is only half full, looks like about forty people, sitting around circular eight people tables.
As we walk in I watch Lonely faces as they turn to inspect mine. Boys, girls but not many, everyone is around my age, except a few younger kids. In fact there are only three adults in the room, MuscleMan, Chopsticks and Vivinae. Isn't there anyone else here - how can children be living virtually by themselves?
Slowly, the new faces turn back to one another, and the quiet murmur returns. Only one face doesn't turn away- a girl around twelve years old is looking directly at me.
Her short, curly brunette hair is tied just above her ears with pink butterfly hair bands. She has big blue eyes that seem to draw me in as she takes a step towards me.
"Hi! I'm Lucy, what's your name?" She asks in a high pitched voice.
"Hello Lucy, I'm Ben, it's a pleasure to meet your acquaintance." She giggles nervously to herself as she takes my outstretched hand. "How are you today?"She just smiles at me with glistening eyes. I guess Lucy hear isn't much of a conversationalist.
No one else attempts to greet me or introduce themselves, so I'm left standing awkwardly with Lucy in silence as everyone else talks in lowered voices to one another. It's about another minute when a wave of hush spreads through the room, everyone looks up to see Vivinae and her accomplice, Chopsticks, next to her. MuscleMan is gone, thank God.
"It's so great to see you all today." She begins her speech, "I would like to thank you for all your support over the last few years. But not is where the hard work begins, we are a family, whether we like it or not, which means we need to work together or there is no way out of here." She gestures for me to come forwards- I approach her slowly and cautiously. Once I reach the front, she continues her speech, "This is Ben, I believe he is very special, we haven't had a newcomer for six months, he is of great value to us. Treat him with respect, listen to him, there is a great deal of work to be done, and not enough time to do it. Thank you."
The round of applause is deafening, like there are hundreds of people when there are only 50 or so. Still, no one makes eye contact with me, they are all clapping for Vivinae, although she doesn't seem to notice.
She turned her back on her adoring fans and asked me to follow Grayem (who I assume is Chopsticks) when I was acquainted with everyone.
"Hi, my name is Ben, and -" I looked up to see one person looking at me, Lucy, no one else was interested. I sigh and attempt to raise my voice above the others, "Hello! Can I have your attention please?"
"Guys! Guys! Have some respect! Geez!" I nod thanks to the big 18 year old who just got everyone's attention for me, he's in charge here. "Hi Ben, I'm Scotts, been stuck in this hell hole for four years, got here when I was fourteen."
"Thanks man, I'm Ben," I say, raising my voice so the others can here too. "What is this place?"
"Well Ben," says Scotts, "we're the Lonely Ones, and welcome to your biggest nightmare."


Sorry it's so short, I've had the worst writers block, but back on track now with more to come, thanks for reading :)

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