Chapter 8

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"Urggh I hate mondays" Shelly grunted plopping down beside me with her lunch.

It was raining heavily outside, so we decided to eat at the cafeteria.

"I mean, how slow is today? It's like time froze when we were at Mrs Archer's class" she continued, unwrapping her sandwich.

I nodded and gulp down the food in my mouth "Yea, my tummy and I almost had a big fight" I said remembering the looks I received in the class when my stomach growled loudly.

"I am sure you guys must have settled" she said chuckling. I grinned and patted my stomach which made her laugh more.

"Dad said he has a surprise for me, he said I should bring you and Theo" I informed her. Before I left home, Dad told me to be back on time, that he has a surprise for me. Now that got me really curious, especially when he said I should bring Shelda and Theo.

"Really? What could it be?!" She asked excitedly. "Oh I can't wait!" she jumped. She is acting as if she is the one receiving the surprise.While me, I am just full of curiosity. I shrugged and continue eating my food.

"I don't understand why Isaac chose to sit alone. I mean, look at him, does he look like a loner?" Shelly asked confusedly and I turned to the direction she was looking at to see the new guy, Isaac sitting at a table close to the wall. He was the only one sitting there. He has been sitting alone since last week, I haven't even seen him talking to anyone. With his kind of build which shows he is into sports, I thought he would be hanging around with the jocks. Well I guess you can't judge a book by it cover.

"Maybe he just like being alone" I said looking at him again to see Vanessa Raymond and her minions including Rita James heading towards him. They got to his table and Vanessa started talking animatedly, she smiled flirtatiously and touched his arms. He looked around boredly and his eyes met mine. I quickly looked away and turned back to them when I heard heels snapping angrily on the tiled floor. Vanessa walked away angrily from his table with her minions on tow. I wonder what he said to her?

"I knew she was going to go after him, Thank God he can see past her caked up face" Shelly scowled, having witnessed Vanessa's rejection.

"I just saw Vanessa, she was fuming. What did I miss?" Theo said coming to sit beside Shelly.

"Why are you just coming, I thought there's no practice today because of the weather?" I asked.

"We had a meeting with Coach" He answered stealing fries from my plate which made me glare at him. He chuckled and shove it into his mouth with a wink. "Now tell me what happened to Vanessa" he sure likes gossips.

"She got turned down by Isaac" Shelly replied smugly.

"Ooh, That is why she was so furious. She thoughts he was like the other guys that falls on her feet" He guffawed and was about to reach for more of my fries, when I swat his hand away and he pouted.


We got down from Theo's car to see Dad's car covered with a car cover fabric. We looked at each other confusedly wondering why Dad covered his car. If it was because of the rain, he would have just packed it in the garage.

Speaking of who, Dad came out of the door and walked down to us. "Hey guys" He kissed me on my forehead and waved at my friends.

"Hey Vincent!" They both replied.

"Dad why is your car covered?" I asked him.

"Oh this is not my car, it's in the garage" he pointed at the garage with an excited look.

"So, whose--

He didn't even let me finish. He went to the covered car and in one swift movement, he removed the cover and I was shocked. "Surprise!"

Under the cover, was a brand new black Volvo XC40 SUV. I was speechless. Theo and Shelda ran to the Car and started gushing about it.

"It's not your birthday gift, I know how you feel about your birthday. I have always wanted to get you a car. I don't like you taking the bus or----

I cut him off with a big hug and mumbled a 'thank you'. He laughed and wrapped his arms around me.

"Come on, let's get this baby on the road!" Theo called and Dad released me and gave me the car keys. I grinned and kissed his cheeks.

"Be back before midnight" I nodded and rushed to my friends who where already jumping with anticipation.

"Let's go guys" we entered the car and we were even more shocked by the interior. The car seats were red and it has that new car smell. I got my driver's license last year, so I ignited the ignition and we drove out to nowhere in particular.


I know I said I was not going to update for sometime, but I had free time. So, here it is!

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Succey ;)

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