Chapter 6

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Day 2 was pretty much a blur. I hung out with Jordan and Aureylian for the first half, checking out the minecraft stuff.

Then Chilled wanted to show me the Worms exhibit along with Smarty and ZeRoyalViking.

I was basically replacing Galm in the Derp Crew.

I actually made a lot of friends, it made me feel happy that I was surrounded my people who shared the same interests as me. But now it was Day 3.

The last day of Vidcon.

I don't wanna leave, but I can't afford to buy an apartment in L.A right now.

Ugh money.

I walked into the building for the last time feeling kinda glum. And apparently it showed.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Jordan said as he greeted me inside.

"It's the last day of Vidcon. Which means I have to leave California." I sighed, putting on a sad smile.

"Oh." Jordan said. "Well then we got to make this last day the best."

My face lit up as I smiled up at him. Becoming his friend was an amazing decision.

During the day, Jordan dragged me everywhere. To his panel, meet and greet, hanging out with his friends. I never left his side. It was fun to watch him be so happy doing what he loved.

It was nearing the end of the day, so I started to head off considering Jordan would rather hang out with his friends at an after party than with me.

"Riley, where are you going?" He asked me as I was at the door. I turned to see a hurt look on his face.

"Well I thought, I thought you would rather go hang out with your friends at a party or something since-"

"But you're my friend now, so I was planning on taking you with me to Max's hotel room for an after party thing." Jordan interrupted, scratching his head.

I smiled sheepishly at him. God Jordan why you do this to me.

He took it as a yes as he smiled, grabbing my arm and dragging me to his car. I laughed as he bowed his head opening the passenger seat for me.

I was surprised to see another person in the back seat on his phone. Jordan got in the car to see I was staring at the stranger.

"Oh, that's my friend Ryan. I'm giving him a ride too." He motions to the man.

Ryan looks up from his phone at me.

"Rpmx13?" I questioned, knowing he was a minecrafter Jordan does videos with.

"At your service." Ryan winked. "And you must be Riley."

"I guess that is my name.." I awkwardly made a joke as Jordan and Ryan laughed lightly.

I felt so awkward in this space as Jordan and Ryan talked about things I had nothing to say about.

After 20 mins we reached Max's building and may our way to his room.

First glance made my heart rate quicken.




I took a deep breath and looked over at Jordan. He and Ryan were already talking to some other people.

Looking down at my hands, I walked over to an empty area and took a seat in a chair. This apartment was unfortunately big, perfect for a big after party.

I glanced at my phone every once and a while even though there was nothing to do on it.

Chilled and his girlfriend Jess talked to me for a while, then Jordan came by and introduced me to a couple of people like Max's girlfriend Renee and their friend Mark.

But after a while I got uncomfortable and decided I had to leave. Nerves were building up in me and it felt as though the space was getting smaller.

As soon as I got outside I breathed in the fresh air and sat on the front steps. I tried to slow my breathing but it wasn't working well.

I really hoped I wouldn't have a panic attack. It didn't happen to often anymore now that high school was over and I didn't go to parties ever.

Suddenly I realized I didn't have a ride home and that made it worse.

Oh jeez Jordan.

Help me.


ooh filler

yeah ok so cause school and life I haven't updated but nobody reads these anyway and I'm using this story to get my emotions out so yea

you like it?


~ maggie

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