"Did we win?"

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The volturi were moving quickly. In total, 376 vampires on their side. Most of them newborns, which will work to our advantage.

On our side Klaus brought 207 vampires from his trip. In total, 235 vampires. Feeding became a major issue. All vampires were told to feed in different cities and taught how to feed without killing.

Right now I'm teaching Renesmee how to fight. And man is it hard. Not because she's bad, but because she's really good.

She's won 5/10 matches. I'm getting my butt kicked by my daughter. This hurts. On a personal level.

"Okay, last one, winner takes all. Give it all you have."

A crowd gathered around, and I noticed our family in the front row.

Ness rushed at me and I quickly moved to the side, but she turned on her heel and knocked me off my feet.

I got up, and blocked a few of her hits, and went in for the win. I turned away from her to run, and just as I wanted she jumped on my back. I fell backwards, quickly flipped her around, pinned her arms behind her back, and put my mouth to her neck.

"Fell right into my trap. But good job though." I let her go and turned around. All of a sudden I was flat on my stomach, my hands pinned behind my back, and her mouth at my neck.

She got up and laughed at my frozen form. "Good god Bella, did you learn nothing from the fight with Victoria." Jasper's words teased me.

I rolled my eyes and patted Nessie on the back. "Your a fast learner. I'm sure you can handle yourself."

I kissed the top of her head and Alice let out a loud gasp. Everyone turned to look at her.

"They're here." Everyone moved to the side of the large clearing we were in, just as the new Volturi moved in. They stopped half way when noticing our numbers were large than they thought.

"I assume you are the Cullen's. And friends." A tall light haired man said.

"Yes we are. I assume you are the new Volturi? Your name?" Carlisle asked. God this  is bringing back some memories.

"My name is Alvine. I am the new leader of the Volturi. As you already know we aren't here to talk. You killed our main guard, now we will kill you."

He motioned his hand, and all the vampires charged us.

The fight was intense. By the time we got through over 7/8 of the guard, Alvine stopped the fight. We had lost all of Klaus' friends, but thank god all of my family, including Klaus and Elijah, we're safe.

"I see you all can handle yourselves quite well. Let's see how you do when you're human." All of a sudden guards held everyone of my family by the arms, immobilizing them. Luckily Klaus and Elijah got out of the hold, and ran.


"Now, I assume your Bella?" I nodded my head slowly.

"I heard from a friend of mine, Tanya Denali, that you rose from the dead. And now you get your happily ever after, while my masters stay dead. So, I also heard, that the cure that can cure you, can also cure your family." I turned around in just enough time to see my family swallowing something in a vile.

"NO!!" I made a move to attack, and killed everyone left on that field in a matter of 10 seconds flat. I was beyond pissed.

I however, left Alvine for last.

"I'll enjoy killing you just as I enjoyed killing your masters. Have fun in hell." And with that I threw him in the fire.

I rushed over to my family.

I could tell already the cure was working. But they were still passed out.

What am I going to do?

Cliffhanger! That is the end of book one! I will be writing a book two shortly about the Cullen's life as a human. Thanks you for reading!

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