"Is he..." Emerald had a shocked look on her face as she grabbed her cell phone off the coffee table and dialed 911.

"Nah, he ain't dead," Kevin said and kicked Aaron until he grunted in pain, letting it be known he was still alive.


Aaron awoke a while later to a slight, cold breeze and a splitting headache. He opened his eyes realizing something wasn't right. He became fully alert and tried to move but couldn't. It didn't take long for him to conclude he was in a hospital bed...or rather handcuffed to a hospital bed. He scanned his surrounding until his eyes focused on the silhouette standing outside the door with their back to the door.

"Aye...what the fuck?" Aaron yelled. "Let me outta here!"

A black, burly male guard entered the room and looked at him. "Good, you up. Now I can get you out of here, so you can be transported to the jail," the guard replied.

"Transported...jail?" Aaron was confused. "Why the fuck am I going to jail?"

"Trespassing and aggravated assault," the guard responded as he grabbed the device on the bed and called the nurse so Aaron could be released.

"Assault...I didn't assault anyone."

"Well, we have a woman who says otherwise, and she has the bruises on her wrist to prove it."

Aaron knew exactly what and who the guard was referring too. All he could do was shake his head and exhale. After he was checked over by a doctor, confirming that he had no severe damages. He was released, then transported to the local jail, fingerprinted, had his mugshot taken and allowed to make a phone call. He knew he'd regret it but at the time he didn't know who else to call.

Twenty-Six Hours Later...

"Cooper...you made bail!" a different guard who was slim and white informed while opening the cell.

A rush of relief came over him. He was even more ecstatic when he exited the police station.

"I didn't think you'd come," Aaron said leaning in for a hug that was quickly rejected. "Oh, it's like that?"

"Look, Aaron, I only came because I feel like I owed you due to my father being the reason you no longer have a decent career. I felt like you deserved a proper explanation at least," Lani announced.

After they got into Lani's brand new jet-black Jaguar with dark tinted windows, she began explaining to Aaron that the last night they fucked at her father's office, her father had caught them.

"Yeah, I know he showed me the surveillance video," Aaron stated.

"Yeah, well, that next day he had all my accounts frozen and took me off his living will. My dad, unfortunately, doesn't share the open mind for all races...especially the black race. So, when he found out I was fucking you he took it personally. He says he's not racist, but the jury's still out on that."

"Okay, why is your father's racism your fault?" Aaron asked eyeing her confused.

"It's not, but your issues with your wife is my fault," Lani admitted. Now she had Aaron's full attention. "To make a long story short, I was so angry about losing everything that mattered to me and my life that I blamed you. I wanted you to know how it felt to have your world snatched from under feet because of one moment of lapse judgment and bad choices. So, I sent your boy a recording of me, you and Mysterious. Not sure what he was going to do with it, but I told him to send it to your wife if he wanted to shake things up a bit..." Lani paused and looked over at Aaron.

Aaron's blood instantly began to boil. He was so heated, he had to breathe deep to keep from losing it and flipping out on her. "So, you're the reason my wife disowned me and is fucking my former best friend?" Aaron snapped.

"I apologize Aaron for the role I played in the blackmail video. But, let's not forget you were fucking around on your wife long before all this shit transpired with me."

"Let me outta this fuckin' car!" Aaron barked grabbing the door handle. "I'll walk the rest of the way." Aaron didn't feel like he needed to hear anything else she had to say.

Lani pulled over to the side of the highway and Aaron got out quickly slamming the door behind him. Before finally pulling off, Lani rolled down the passenger side window. "Aaron you don't owe me anything for bailing you out. Just do me a favor and lose my number. My father is finally speaking to me again and I don't need anyone fucking that up. Good luck though cause from the looks of things your gonna need it."

"Fuck you, bitch!" Aaron growled and threw up both of his middle fingers. Lani rolled up the window and started laughing as she sped off.

Aaron was glad he didn't have far to walk to retrieve his car from parked alongside Kevin's street curb. He looked at Kevin's house once more before driving away. When he arrived at his brother's house where he was staying, he barged through the front door slamming it so hard it was a surprise it didn't fall off the handle.

"The fuck wrong with you?" Ahmad asked coming down the stairs.

"That muthafucka had me arrested!" Aaron hissed.

"Who...why...what the fuck happened?" Ahmad rambled off one thought after the other.

"I couldn't help myself so I went to see if I could talk some sense into Emerald but..."

"But once again, your hard-headed ass didn't fuckin' listen," Ahmad snapped cutting him off. "I told you to stay away from that woman...did I not?"

"That's easy for you to say, Ahmad. Your best friend isn't laying pipe to your woman," Aaron sulked.

"Yours wouldn't be either had you not been such an asshole to said woman. Mom would be very disappointed if she could see you, right now."

"Well, mom ain't here and I don't need you preaching to me, right now," Aaron fussed.

"Fine handle this shit on your own...you don't fuckin' listen anyway." Ahmad threw up his hands and headed back upstairs.

"Good, I never asked for your advice in the first place!" Aaron yelled behind him.

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