
Two Days Later...

Emerald Cooper awoke early and turned to find her husband asleep, with a throbbing hard-on. She smiled and moved closer to him, so close she could feel his steel poking her in the back. She wanted him so bad, so she reached underneath the comforter and pulled up her nightie. Then she gently grabbed a hold of his boxers and pulled his dick through the hole. This awoke Aaron instantly, and he eyed Emerald like she'd invaded his privacy.

"Um...what you doing?" Aaron asked sitting straight up.

Emerald raised her brows and stared at him. "Uh...trying to make love to, my husband."

Aaron snickered, then turned away from her and got out of bed. He headed to the bathroom, closing the door behind him. This irritated, Emerald so she got up and followed behind him.

Emerald opened the door and stood there with both hands on her hips. "Since when do you close the bathroom door when you have to piss, Aaron?" She shot him a disgusted frown.

"I just need some privacy, Em'. Damn, can't man just have that in his own fucking house?" Aaron shook his dick off, flushed the toilet and walked right past her.

Emerald turned and followed his every move. "So, who's the bitch you're fucking now?" she asked.

"Come on, don't start that being jealous shit," Aaron fussed searching through his closet for clothes.

"I am not stupid, Aaron! The last time you wouldn't fuck me was because you were too busy fucking someone else. So, again who is it this time?" Emerald refused to back down, she'd been dealing with his infidelity and working on salvaging the good parts of their marriage since his first encounter three years ago.

"Emerald, just because I won't fuck you, doesn't mean I'm fucking somebody else. Can't I just not be in the mood, like y'all women get whenever you feel like it?" Aaron scoffed, as he threw the suit he'd chosen to wear for work onto the bed.

Emerald rolled her eyes, grabbed her housecoat and headed for the bathroom. "Whatever, Aaron, if you're lying the truth will come out soon enough, it always does. One day you're going to wish you hadn't fucked me over so many times. I don't know how much longer I'm going to put up with your bullshit."

"Yeah...yeah, Emerald, you've been saying that for years. You're mine and you know it, so I'm not worried. Love you!" Aaron shot her a cynical grin and winked his almond brown eye at her.

"Motherfucker..." Emerald mumbled as she closed the bathroom door and cut on the shower.


When Aaron arrived at the office, the first thing he noticed was his boss's car, which was strange since his boss never arrived before him. Aaron, however, shook it off and thought nothing else of it. It wasn't until he got off the elevator onto his floor that a funny feeling hit him. As he made his way toward his office, he heard what sounded like loud drilling and a hammer banging. Before he could turn the corner to his office, the receptionist called out to him.

"Mr. Cooper?" she called.

"Yes, Mariella, what can I do for you?" Aaron questioned.

"Is Mr. McCartney remodeling or something?" she asked.

Aaron scratched his head confused. "Not sure, what you mean?"

"Well, he has maintenance here removing things off the doors, mainly your door. Oh, yeah, and while we're talking about, McCartney. He told me to tell you to make your way to his office as soon as you got here."

"What's going on, Mariella? I have a lot of clients to close deals with this week and not a lot of free time for useless conversation." Aaron cleared his throat and arrogantly straightened his tie.

"You are something else, Mr. Cooper. Now get out of here and find out what the boss wants before he starts yelling at me. That's the last thing I need this morning."

"I know what you mean," Aaron replied and turned to get back onto the elevator.

He got on the elevator and pressed number six, the number to his boss's floor. Once he got on the sixth floor, he headed to his boss's office. As he walked toward his boss's office, he noticed people looking at him, whispering to each other. When he got in front of his boss's door, he exhaled loudly, then he slowly knocked.

"Get in here, Cooper!" His boss barked, with that extra base in his voice, that let Aaron know he was pissed.

His thoughts were confirmed when he entered and saw Blake McCartney's face. It was flushed and red, and his jaws were clenched together. As he looked up from his computer at Aaron, he snapped his neck from side to side, then cracked all the knuckles on both of his hands.

"What's going on, Boss?" Aaron asked about to sit down in one of the chairs across from his desk.

"Did I ask your ass to sit down, Cooper?" Blake spat.

"Oh...no...no you didn't." Aaron slowly stood back up and faced him with his hands behind his back. "Something wrong, Blake?" he asked.

"You will call me, Mr. McCartney. Your privileges for calling me by my first name have been revoked."

"Why...wh...what did I do?" Aaron pulled at the tie around his neck, loosening it a bit.

"Cooper, I'm going to give you one chance, to be honest with me," Blake stated glaring at him with menacing eyes.

"I...I don't know what you're talking about." Aaron continued to act confused.

"Okay...Cooper, if that's how you want it." Blake picked up the office phone and pressed a button that was specifically for security. "Come to my office now...thank you!" After hanging up the phone, he stood up. "I knew you couldn't be man enough to tell me the truth. Which is a shame since you were my best agent."

"Sir...I'm confused about where this is going."

Blake groaned loudly and grabbed the screen of his laptop, then turned it facing Aaron. Aaron eyed the screen for a few minutes knowing exactly what they were looking at. Even though his back was facing the camera, he knew from the sounds that it was a video of him and Lani. He snapped his neck from side to side as everything tensed up.

"I...I have no idea what or who that is," Aaron continued to lie until Blake showed him a camera shot, of his face as he turned to leave the office. "Mr. McCartney..."

"Shut up!" Blake yelled as security rushed into his office. "I don't know what made you think you had balls big enough to fuck my daughter...on my desk. But I'm sure you know every choice has consequences. Since you crossed the line and fucked my daughter. Security is going to escort you to your office, you're going to pack your shit, and if you are not off the premises in twenty minutes. I will call the police and tell them you raped my daughter. I'm sure you know I could have this edited and use it to my advantage any way I please. So, you really don't have much of a choice in the matter and if I ever catch your black ass with my daughter again, you will have hell to pay. Do I make myself clear, Cooper?"

Aaron stood there staring at Blake in shock, he didn't know what to say. He opened his mouth, but no words came out. His heart had fallen to his feet and his mind was racing.

"Get this motherfucker out of my fucking sight before I do something I'll regret," Blake barked with a wave of his hand.

The two security guards grabbed Aaron by the arms and roughly carried him out. They escorted him back to the elevators and straight to his office. As he made his way to his office door, he knew what the earlier noise was. His name that was previously on the door had been removed and anything that was on the walls or desk that represented him had been taken down or destroyed.

Aaron gathered what was left to salvage and was escorted out of the building. As he loaded his stuff into the car, he couldn't believe what was going on. He knew he couldn't go home since it was Emerald's day off. The main thought that roamed his mind was the fact that he'd have to eventually tell her. But how, how would he tell her, he got fired for fucking his boss's nineteen-year-old daughter?

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