This isn't a love story, it looks more like a tragedy

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There was oncw a man, his name was Time. He could appear in every form he wanted, and he loved it. He was cruel, heartless and, most importantly, he was immortal. No one ever taught him the meaning of love, until the day he met Life. 

Time saw her birth. It seemed like a beautiful and colourful dawn: she was the sun, with all his colours, and he was like the sky, always the same, immortal. He stayed next to her while she was growing up, like the Leaves of a tree, but she never saw him because he didn't want to be seen, so he used to hid from her. 

Time had never been interesed in someone, but there was something special in that creature, so special that he couldn't help to be curious about her. 

Maybe it was her contagious happiness, or maybe her beautiful smile that he couldn't not look at, but Time started to feel something about Life. It wasn't love -he didn't know how to love yet- it was something more similar to attraction. 

One day when Life was playing with soap bubbles in a garden, Time was so amazed by her that he forgot to hide himself. When he realized that, it was too late: Life had already seen him, he couldn't escape. It was the first time they looked to each other eye-to-eye. Time was hypnotized by her beauty, but then he ran away. 

After that meeting, Time started to feel confused: there was something that was bothering him, so he decided not to see Life anymore. 

On the other hand, Life was curious and determined to discover the identity of her secret admirer, so she started to appear in other forms: flowers, Leaves, colours...everything that reflected her personality. Her favourite form was the sea, in which she met Time. 

He was laying on the shore, thinking about the strange feeling he had when he saw Life. Time recognized her, but he pretended he had not...just a joke. 

Life wanted to get closer to him, so she transformed into a wave, a beautiful, gently, sweet wave, and she started to sway towards the shore, towards Time.  Since no one ever aroused interest in him, he decided to try to interact with her. 

They started to spend time together: Life was slowly falling in love with Time, while he realized that even when they were apart he couldn't not think about her, because she made him happy: a feeling that he wasn't used to feel. He was like a blank canvas and she was like a painter: she colorized Time's existence in the same way an artist paints a picture. 

The days passed, and Time realized that the more Life was with him, the more she looked tired and pale. Life knew that her relationship with him was killing her, but she didn't care, because she was hopelessly in love with Time and she decided not to tell him. 

But it was vain, because Time figured out that he was hurting her, and he understood that he had to get away from her, otherwise Life would have died. 

In normal circumstances, Time wouldn't have care of Life, and he was wondering why in this case he had. Life answered his silent question: "You're in love with me" she said. He had never heard of this "love".

"Love is when you care more about the happiness of a person than yours. It's when her smile make you go crazy. It's when you can't help thinking about her in every moment. It's holding hands. It's looking after her when she's sick. It's when you miss your person every second that you're apart". 

And then Time understood.

Their love burnt like the flame of a candle: They were born to be together, and could not do otherwise, but the more time they spent with each other, the more their relationship went down to the end, like the wax consumes when the candle is lit up.

Life refused to get away from Time, so the inevitable happened: Life died, like she was the sun during a beautiful twilight and Time was the sky, desperate to have lost the only person who made a difference in his life. He was like a needle that went too close to a baloon, Life, bursting it. 

Time spent the rest of his immortal existence in various forms. The one he used the most was music, eternal and immortal just as he was, in which he could commemorate the love existed between Life and him through the notes and the melodies: some were joyful -the ones in which he remembered the beautiful moments spent with her-, but the most were sad and melancholic, because he knew that he would have never found someone like Life, who he would have never stopped to love. 

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