Seeing that I had discovered him, he cowered behind the pillar, looking almost surprised when I didn't do anything. He probably expected me to lash out, probably yell at him for whatever it was he was doing. But honestly, I didn't care, he was doing no harm. He poked his head back out and caught my eye again, watching as I lifted my hand and gestured for him to come over.

He was hesitant but walked over even so, his eyes downcast to the ground. His large feet shuffled through the grass loudly, hands hands connected as he twiddled his thumbs. The boy stopped when he was at the bank, standing near the place I had left my shoes. He didn't look like a typical human nor a hybrid between a human and another animal like many others were. If he were a cross of anything it would definitely be human and rock because of his oddly shapen head and the general size of him. He was a big boy.

"You're in my class, aren't you?" I called out, watching as he immediately nodded. He seemed to panic, I assumed that he was afraid of me or that he was just generally shy.

"My name's (Y/n) (L/n), what's yours?" He began making various signs with his hands, what I could only assume was sign language. I wasn't familiar with it at all, making me feel a little disappointed that I couldn't communicate with him.

"Sorry, I don't understand sign language but I can learn some if you wanna talk again sometime," I tell him, looking down at the rabbit who was still splashing around in the water. I let out a quiet chuckle before gesturing it to come over. The boy watched also, his cheeks seeming to heat up as he watched me. I lent down and picked up the soaking wet rabbit, not caring that it was wetting my uniform shirt. The rock boy seemed to notice and pointed it out, looking scared as if he was about to get scolded. I looked down and shrugged it off, keeping the rabbit in place to hide how the water had allowed my shirt to show the odd texture of the scar tissue on my stomach.

Next he pointed to the rabbit, watching as I dried it as best as I could with my uniform jacket.

"I heard scratching and found him trapped while I was on my way to school. His fur was dreaded with mud and he even had some covering his eyes, limiting his sight. I brought him down to the river and he seemed to enjoy it," I told him, putting on my dirty uniform jacket, not caring about its condition. While I did this, I put the rabbit on the ground, watching as it hopped along the ground to the boys feet. He crouched and whispered something to the rabbit, listening afterward. I was surprised he could talk since he hadn't when we met but I didn't mind, I understood that he wasn't being rude, he was just shy.

"Wanna walk with me to take him to the animal shelter?" I asked. He gave a small crooked smile, his cheeks dusted pink as he nodded. Putting my bag on my back, I picked the rabbit up and began carrying him, the boy walking besides me.

"So what's your quirk? I saw you whispering to the rabbit, you some kind of animal whisperer?" He nodded. Next he pointed to the rabbit, then made a love heart with his hands only then to point to me.

"He likes me?" I inquire. He nods happily, watching as the rabbit adjusted itself in my arms, nuzzling into my chest.

"Anyway, do you have the time?" I asked him. He pulled his phone from his pocket and showed it to me. If we left now we would have time to take the rabbit to the animal shelter and get to school on time so we wouldn't have Shota on our asses.

"Okay, let's head out now." The rock-looking boy nodded and walked by my side up the river bank now that I had my socks and shoes back on. I actually found him to be nice company, it was a lot different than when I hung out with others. Usually, I was the one who didn't talk much but now since he said nothing, I was the one talking. He would respond with what he could, trying to give gestures to answer rather than signing sign language. But I told him I would learn some and I let him know that I enjoyed his company. His face was very red when I told him that and when we brought the rabbit into the shelter, he seemed almost sad.

"You alright?" I asked him. He nodded, petting the rabbit one last time before he was taken away by a woman who worked there.

"I'm sure he'll be fine," I assured him. He sent me a small smile which was honestly adorable, sure he was quite a big guy but that didn't mean he couldn't be cute. The two of us left the shelter and continued on our way to school. I looked like a mess with mud on the top half of my uniform but I didn't care. I knew that I could go and see she Chiyo and she'd let me borrow a spare uniform for the day. She'd definitely help, after scolding me for being reckless of course.

As we walked, I noticed that the boy, who I still didn't know the name of, was looking at me. Raising my head, I caught his eye. This caused him to freeze up and return his eyes to the ground, continuing to walk.

"Something wrong?" I asked, averting my eyes because I knew he didn't like the direct attention. He didn't nod nor shake his head, he remained still, the only thing moving being his lips.

"Koda," he whispered. Barely being able to hear because of the low volume of his voice, I raised an eyebrow.

"Huh? Did you say something?"

"Koda," he repeated, this time a little louder.

"Koda? What are you talking about?" I watched as he pointed a finger to his chest, indicating that he was the one referred to as Koda.

"Oh, your last name?" He nods in response, smiling gently.

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Koda," I said, keeping my face tilted upwards to stare up at the sky. It was reassuring hearing him speak to me after not seeming to speak at all, it made me wonder if he did this to anyone else. He was shy and that fact probably made it hard for him to make friends, I felt like I could relate to him even if we had different circumstances.

"Hey, Koda?" I called. He turned his face towards me, giving me his attention.

"Do you wanna be friends?"

His response wasn't verbal and that was fine.

The nod and shy smile completely made up for it.

Sad that you had to walk to school by yourself but I hope my precious Koda's presence made up for it. I thought about making the animal you save a kitten, then I remembered he had a pet rabbit so I connected it there. Koda is a very under-rated boy, he needs more love. Thanks for reading!

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