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People are rushing up and down the streets, hustling to get to where they need to be or end up failing buckling under the time limit. What a meaningless life having to rush through life without being able to stop and smell the roses. All their faces different but the same, all stone like filled with concern. However as I sit down by my home I notice a break in the crowd. A little girl being pulled along by her mother, arm extended out in each direction. Her free arm desperately trying to pull a red flower from the grass, only failing to try again. She didn't lose hope during the small frame that I have seen her. It's hard to think that all these people used to be like that once, now they have just fallen victim to life's cruel game.

As she exits the peripheral vision of my eye, I remember when I was that young. Playing in the backyard with my older brother. Day by day endlessly playing games of tag, getting pushed on the tire swing and helping mother tend to the garden. Life was a lot simpler back then. A smile creeps across my face as the gold coursing through my veins starts to work its magic. A haze creeps over my eyes as my surroundings start to get blurry. The grin still suspended on my face, I put up my middle finger. As if I was trying to make a statement to the people walking by, a big 'f' you to the world. At least I know i'm not going to be running around the streets like a chicken with its head cut off trying to make it to my office job, that makes me dread life every single waking hour. All these people around me fooling themselves that the life that they have are imbeciles. Constantly playing maid to the people who are considered to be their "superiors". What a joke their lives have become. 

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