The Soldiers Sacrifice

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The Soldiers Sacrifice

There once was a time when men were chosen. They had to leave their families and go in the darkness that we call war. The men were soldiers fighting for our freedom and rights. On the ground it was filled with dead bodies and blood. These men sacrificed their lives for us. When the survivors come back home, they are overjoyed and fling their arms over their families and thanking God that they are safe. There are a lot of parts where this doesn't happen, little children and wives cry where our dad is or where is our grandfather or where is my husband or uncle? Life wasn't easy when they learned that they died.

Today, we wear a poppy anytime or the 11th day of the 11th month and the 11th time which is called Remembrance Day. The poppy that we wear is to represent the bravery and the sacrifices for our country's peace, freedom and rights. It also means the red is for blood, the black is for grief for the death of the soldiers and green means hoping for a peaceful future. Some people may have also met these survivors, just remember, that they are the people who fought for you be alive, have freedom, have peace this day. Today at Remembrance day just keep silent and then just think if you got pricked by a needle and making a great deal about it, just think about the soldiers, how would they feel about war?

Lest We Forget

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