Chapter 17

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I don't know what to do right now. I'm standing here in the practice field, just watching as Aeryn has a melt down. Are Caleb and Aeryn that close to each other? It's a little crazy I suppose. From my P.O.V. it just seems like they might miss each other a little bit. But through Joeys eyes he said he fucked up.

I sigh, "I don't know..." I accidentally let slip out. I didn't even know I let it slip until i looked up and Joey looked at me with one rather see eyebrow.

"You don't know, what?" He asked and I looked at him for a few seconds then let out another sigh but this one was filled with annoyance.

"Dang it, nothing man. I was just thinking out loud. I didn't mean to interrupt your moment with her." I said as I went to point to Aeryn but didn't see her, "....the hell?..."

"She left a few minutes ago, while you were spacing out. Are you ok? Do you need some water?" He asked me and I smiled and shook my head.

"No thank you, I'm good. I think I'm just ready to leave."

"Lets get going than." Joey said as he put his hands in his pockets and walked away. I shrugged and followed after him. Aeryn said she was fine and Joey told me not to worry. Why would I worry when they basically both told me not to? They should be fine.

~Time skip brought to you by Larry~

We got home and sat on the couch. I let out a sigh and so did Joey. I looked over at him and tried to think of something to get his mind off of Zhaen.

"So, hows it going with that guy you talked so much about?" I asked and he shook his head and shrugged.

"It's not. I left him." Joey said and my eyes widened a bit. I was shocked and surprised.

"I thought you really liked that guy." I said.

"I thought so too but seeing Aeryn like this? It just reminded me that he was more of a rebound. There's no point in being with someone if that's not the someone I wanna be with. That's using people and that's wrong. If I'm gonna use them then I might as well not even date them. I'm not gonna do that to people..."

"I thought you were gay?" I said as i tired my head. I probably shouldn't have said that because Joey gave me the most disappointing look.

"First of all, you can't just say that to people. That's so insensitive."

"Sorry. I didn't think about it before saying it." I interrupted and held my hands up. I should've thought about it because now that I am thinking about it, it's not something that people should just say.

"Also, I'm bi. Sure guys are cute but I would like myself a cute girl as well. And Aeryn has been that girl since before we knew you. Before we knew Caleb. Just from the very beginning, it had to be Aeryn."

"I totally ship it." 0-0

"Why are you making that face? And ship it? What does that mean??"

"Because I ship it. Your name can me Joeryn. Or Aeroey. Something" I put my hand to my chin as I tried thinking about it. Cute ship names. Cute ship names. This was difficult.

"Whatever, I'm going to check on Aeryn. You sit here and be weird." Joey said as he walked upstairs and into Aeryn's room.

"So ship it." I say as I let out my inner fan girl.

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