05 | psychic wonder

Start from the beginning

"I gotta pee!" Delaney yelled as she rushed past her brothers and towards the bathroom that was in the back of the gas station mini mart.

"Say it louder, Della, I don't think China heard you," Dean remarked. "Just hurry up so we can hit the road."

Delaney waved Dean off and closed the bathroom door behind her. Once she had finished going to the bathroom, she stepped to the side to wash her hands in the sink. However, as soon as she turned the water on, a pain erupted through her head and she groaned, grabbing the edge of the sink as she squeezed her eyes shut. 

Flashes of an older, dark skinned man answering his cell phone raced across Delaney's mind. He froze for a moment as if being hypnotized before agreeing to whatever the person on the other end told him. The man crossed the street, passing a bus with BLUE RIDGE on the front of it, and entered a shop. He greeted the clerk, Dennis, and it appeared the man in her vision was a doctor because that's how the clerk greeted him. 

Doc asked Dennis if he could take a look at the guns and Dennis seemed to not believe him for a moment as he just laughed. When Doc just stared at Dennis, he suddenly sobered up and lead Doc to the back of the store so he could take a look at the guns lined against the back wall. Doc asked to look at a Turkey Hunter and loaded it up once Dennis took out the shells, which Dennis immediately tried to get Doc to stop as it was illegal to have a loaded gun in the shop. 

Doc assured Dennis it would be alright before he turned the gun and shot Dennis, sending him flying back against the door behind him. The people in the store screamed and Doc tried to assure them it would be alright and he wouldn't hurt any of them. Then Doc placed the gun under his chin and shot himself, spraying blood on the porcelain sinks hanging from above.

The pain eventually subsided and Delaney splashed cold water on her face to cool herself off because she suddenly felt about twenty degrees hotter than when she walked into the mini mart with her brothers. She hadn't had a vision in a while and this one seemed to leave behind a dull ache, unlike the other times she's had one.

"Delly, you've been in there for a while. Are you okay?" Sam asked from the other side of the door and pushed the door open, freezing when he saw Delaney grimacing and clutching the sink as if it was keeping her from passing out. "Delly?"

"Sammy," Delaney rasped, forcing herself off the sink and leant against it as she faced Sam. "We got a problem."

Dean appeared behind his brother and his face fell in worry when he noticed how pale Delaney suddenly looked. "Della?"

"Someone is in trouble. We need to go to the Roadhouse," Delaney said before pushing her way out of the bathroom and towards the Impala.

Dean and Sam followed Delaney into the Impala before he sped off with Delaney relaying her vision to her brothers. "I don't know, Della. Why don't we just chill out, think about this?"

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