Leap of Faith

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Dedicated to the movie 'Precious' because I hate that M#therF#&%ing woman who failed at raising someone as awesome as Precious, even if that were a doco and not just a movie, I am dead serious that if I were there, I would kill that woman myself with my bare hands-and torture her with the memories from her daughters point of view. Oh how angry I am that someone could do that! Even though it's a movie, I bet it happens in real life and it's just WRONG! (I feel so f&%$ing pissed off)

Rage fuels me with passion, burning until I let it out with words woven into a story. <3Scar T_T*



I asked Santa for a present and he gave me something precious,

He showed me a light and I held it in my hands,

It burned like a candle in the dark of night,

I named it Faith,

It pulled me through the dark twisted tunnels,

Looking for a way out of Hell,

Before the Shadows danced it away,

Then it blended with the blood-stained brick walls,

Leaving me behind with the shadows who hated me,

To be fed with sticks and stones,

I stood beside my Innocence,

Watching that fade away too...

Before it was taken away and held before me to watch it burn to ash,

My Innocence waited so long for me to put out the flames,

For me to stop crying and use my tears to help instead.....

My pain-fuelled desire to escape added to the intensity of emotions that my Innocence poured all over me,

Until...In the winter I tried to run,

To be set free from my bonds of my own willpower,

But the shadows pulled me back once again,

My chains held so tight,

I screamed with pain in the night,

My Innocence silent against my cries,

She kept resilient against the bullets,

Shot at from the Evil,

Her strength filling me with hope,

I broke through a wall and my chains,

So Santa granted me another wish,

I asked him for Inspiration and he gave me a star,

I followed it till I nearly went blind,

The ghost of Faith stood before me once again,

I followed it until I saw nothing but that light,

I followed it everywhere,

Until it ran away for another,

I felt my Soul start to twist with black,

I felt myself start to fade away into nothingness,

Hatred fuelling every step,

But after watching a movie about Me,

I asked Santa for love,

He wrote me a letter,

He told me that all I had to do was look real hard until I found the light that had always been there for me,

Then Santa gave me a key to a locked door,

I ran through hallways to gaze upon the only possession I had left,

Innocence imprisoned as I was,

My Innocence nearly diminished,

I took her with me too,

I protected her through the war,

Between us and Evil,

We found an exit sign through my dark pasts' corridors,

Leading through to paradise in the sky,

We found another light,

The brightest one of all,

Faith in all his glory,

He smiled at me with beauty,

And he reached for me with open arms,

Santa smiled from above,

My love showed me where to go,

My Innocence in my arms,

We stepped off to meet his embrace,

The air beneath us,

My love followed not far behind with a tear,

'Angel's don't cry. Faith and Innocence don't belong in the darkness, but you stay with me always-you've never really left me at all'

I said to both of my stars,

And I found my escape...

Smiling as we all fell into eternal slumber to be received by Grim.



Rage and love are powerful things, dear readers ^_^ <3Scar

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