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Love burns bright,

Was fought for in war,

Two become one,

For better or poorer,

Souls intertwined,

Until there is no more.

A dance of passion,

A dance of fire,

One heart beats,

And the flames climb higher,

Another responds in a melodic symphony,

As they beat a drum of red into the sunset

And screams of horror take away the music.



BELOW ARE JUST RANDOM STUFF I MADE UP, NOT ACTUAL POEMS...and these are me just pointing out the obvious


Love is but a wonderful dessert in the feast of life, we keep eating until we are full...but the Roman's/Greeks/somebody ate until they were full, vomited it all back up and ate again...funny;)

Life is like eating food whilst blindfolded, you never know what you're going to get-whether it's very sweet or horribly bitter.

You're about as close as everyone else to the brink of death, jump off that cliff and it's gonna be hard to get back up again-just to have to jump off once again (depending on your opinion)

Death aint so far away as it seems.

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