B: babe you have to go out into the balcony

N: why?

B: just trust me. I'll meet you out there in a minute

She said before kissing her forehead as she put her down.

N: okay

She said still not understanding why but as she got closer, the table which was already outside on the balcony had changed. It was 2 bottles of champagne two dinner plates and cutlery and candles to light it up. Nicki couldn't stop smiling. Today it was already about her witch Beyoncé buying her everything and taking pictures of her at the sites they saw, now a beautiful dinner. She was so grateful, never in a million years did she believe she'd have someone that treated her this great.

She sat down and Beyoncé came out with the plates of food which was covered by silver hoods. Nicki still had that Cheshire Cat smile and Beyoncé smiled seeing how happy she was.

N: baby... this is too much

She laughed making Beyoncé do the same.

B: nothing's ever too much when it comes to you

She said as she set down their plates and kissed her forehead before sitting down right next to her so they both had a great view of the Eiffel Tower. Nicki immediately pulled her in for a kiss.

N: I love you so much

B: I love you too

She said caressing her cheek as she stared into her eyes for a moment before pulling away to pour them some champagne. She pulled the covers off of their plates to reveal a mouthwatering dinner underneath.

N: this looks amazing baby... did you cook it?

She asked rhetorically as she smirked at Beyoncé making her smile.

B: the hotel staff might've helped

They both laughed.

B: but I deserve the credit since I carried it in these plates are mad heavy

Nicki giggled as she shook her head.

N: we'll work on the cooking skills baby

Beyoncé laughed and they started to eat their food. It was getting dark but the Eiffel Tower still wasn't lit. Beyoncé prepared everything so when it did turn on the evening would be ending in a beautiful way.


It had been a while but Beyoncé and Nicki were still on the balcony talking. That's one of the things they agreed they loved about each other, the fact that they could talk for hours on end.

N: what you think the kids are doing?

B: I don't know. All I know is that they better not be fighting

She said making them laugh.

B: should we FaceTime them?

Beyoncé knew Nicki missed the kids, she did too but she knew they'd be fine with carol and just wanted her and Nicki to have alone time but with her plan tonight, she wanted them to watch.

N: yeah

Beyoncé pulled out her phone and FaceTimed them and rested the phone on the champagne bottle so they could both be seen. Carol answered the phone and they saw her face come on the screen with bryson laid on her chest.

C: hey my babies how's the trip going?

N: hey mama it's great. Aww my baby looks so cute

Carol: he's been sleeping for a while. How's everything?

Pretty Is [BEYNIKA] {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now