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Several hours later, training finally ends and we leave the training room to find a very distressed looking Max sitting on the modern looking, stormy cloudish grey couch in our lounge. His face was buried into his hands. He was sweating and visually looked sick. When he looked up and noticed we were there, relief flushed over his face.

"We need to go somewhere now!" He demanded, "anywhere that doesn't have a camera"

"Okay genius then where would you like us to go? In case you've forgotten, this is a government base and there are camera's everywhere," Liam pointed out as he crossed his arms.

"I DON'T KNOW BUT WE NEED TO LEAVE NOW!" Max shouted. In all twelve years that I have known Max, I have not once seen such a reaction out of him. Whatever's happening is obviously serious. We were all shaken by this outburst and Derek put his hand on Max's shoulder.

"Hey man calm down. I'll turn off the camera's alright just take a deep breath," Derek spoke.

"Oh please! If it was that easy don't you think I would have done that by now! Don't you think they'd get suspicious about why all the cameras shut off?" Max rolled his eyes looking insulted.

"Then I'll come up with an excuse unless you've got a better idea," Derek scoffed.

"Fine I don't have time to deal with this! I need to tell you all something very, very important," Max added as Derek shut the cameras in the room off.

"So what has you all worked up?" I ask. The curiosity gets to me and I start to come up with all possible scenarios in my head as I wait for an answer.

Max took a deep breath,"Well after I was kicked out of the training room for not having powers I thought about what you said Maggie, about my intelligence being my power, so I decided to prove them all wrong and I hacked into the government's computer system."

"You did what?" Liam asked, looking horrified, "I get you were crabby about being kicked out of training but this is crazy! You're crazy!"

"Will you just let me finish! Ok so I was looking through Agent Lazlo's files to try to find something to get her fired when I came across emails and documents about us," Max explained.

"Well what about us? What has you all worked up?" Delilah asked. I could have sworn I saw her hands shaking. We all looked concerned, however, for some reason she looked terrified.

Max paused, "We've been lied to about everything. They don't plan on making us heroes, they plan on making us weapons. They plan on using us against other countries and even people within our country who rebel." I should have figured this. During the Marvel Civil War, Captain America mentioned how giving the government power over heroes allow the government to decide who the villains are and thats not true justice. No, this can't be true! I've spent my whole childhood here! The agents are family to me! Could they have betrayed the team? Could they have betrayed me?

Delilah lets out what looks like a sigh of relief, which truly confused me, and Liam glared at Max, "How do we know this isn't just you trying to get back at the agents? How do we know you aren't lying to us to turn us all against them?"

Max's face turned redder than a freshly painted stop sign and he clenched his fists, "Because If I was making this up I wouldn't bother talking to your uneducated whiny little..."

"Max!" I cut in.

"Fine! I don't care if you don't want to believe me! I'm finding a way out of this place before they have me built an atomic weapon or something!" he screamed as he stormed out of the room. The door to his bedroom slammed, causing me to jump. Could what Max said be true? Could Liam be right? Either way, both are extremely unsettling.

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