7. The Odd Magical Behavior.

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Two years had passed since the Sorting ceremony. Nadine, Harry, Ron and Hermione become best friends since the time, Hermione and Nadine had taken the blame and lied that they knew how to take on a troll.

The four of them stopped Quirrel from stealing The Philosophers stone in their first year.

In second year, the whispers that Nadine was hearing turned into voices. It became so unbearable that she broke down in the middle of the Great Hall clutching her head in her hands.

Dumbledore informed Nadine that she was a Legillimence, a person with the ability to read minds and she remembered the sorting hat telling her about it. In Nadine's case she was born with it. Nadine won't need eye contact to read a person's ongoing thoughts. But she would need it to clearly read a person's mind. Dumbledore took it upon himself to teach her how to block others voices out of her head and focus on important things for time beings. He told Nadine that when she would turn 14, her skills would become more sharper. She would be able to focus and read a single individual's mind.


Nadine, Harry and Ron were standing inside The Chamber Of Secrets with a very scared and reluctant Gilderoy Lockhart. That night Ginny Weasley had been taken inside The Chamber of Secrets. Harry, Nadine and Ron had found a piece of paper in Hermione's hand, who was petrified which told them that the monster was a Basilisk. They had thought a lot about it and come to the conclusion that entrance to the chamber was Moaning Myrtle's bathroom. That night Gilderoy Lockhart was going to go inside the Chamber of Secrets to rescue Ginny.
Soon they had found out that Lockhart was trying to run away so the kids had dragged him with them to the bathroom and towards the entrance of the chamber.

"Remember, any sign of movement close you eyes right away"

But the tunnel was quiet as the grave, and the first unexpected sound they heard was a loud crunch as Ron stepped on what turned out to be a rat’s skull. Harry lowered his wand to look at the floor and saw that it was littered with small animal bones.

Ron, Nadine and Harry had their wand tips lit up.

"There's something up there - Nadine - Harry" Ron said in a low voice. He had caught hold of Harry and Nadine's shoulders.

"The Basilisk has shed it's skin. It must be twenty feet long" said Nadine astonished.

There was a sudden movement behind them. Gilderoy Lockhart’s knees had given way.

"Get up" said Ron sharply, pointing his wand at Lockhart.

Lockhart stood up and snatched Ron's wand out of his hand.

"The adventure ends here, boys!" he said. "I shall take a bit of this skin back up to the school, tell them I was too late to save the girl, and that you two tragically lost your minds at the sight of her mangled body — say good-bye to your memories!"

He raised Ron’s Spellotaped wand high over his head and yelled, "Obliviate!"

The wand exploded with the force of a small bomb. The tunnel ceiling started rumbling and suddenly huge boulders were thundering upon them. Nadine was panicking but selflessness took over panick. Nadine pushed Harry out of the way and within seconds she was swiftly pulled back by Ron.

Nadine and Ron were now facing a solid wall made out of rocks. Nadine realized that Harry was on the other side.

"Ron! Nadine!" Harry was shouting. "Are you alright?"

"We're alright but this git isn't though" said Ron.

"Harry! Are you alright? Are you hurt?" asked Nadine, her voice cracking.

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