I'm Constantly On The Cusp Of Trying To Kiss You

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Derek has to admit his crush is becoming a problem. The moment he stepped inside that little coffee shop, and Stiles greeted him with a bright smile, saying 'Welcome! How can I help you?', Derek had to bite his tongue not to say 'I want a coffee and you in my bed as soon as possible' in what would be the worst pick-up line of all times.

“You should get a tattoo with his name, Der.” Laura says, making Derek wonder – not for the first time – why he still tells her about his life. But then, if he didn't, she would find out anyway because Laura is nosy like that, and his punishment for not telling her would be three times worse than the constant mocking she is putting him through now. “Your weird obsession with him is lasting longer than the average relationship.”

Laura tried to keep tabs on every person that came in her tattoo shop to get their 'special someone's name' – as she calls it – tattooed on their body, but when the number started to come close to the three hundreds she decided it was better to stop counting or risk closing her shop, out of sheer frustration.

Now she keeps a sign to mark 'days without having to tattoo a name' close to the door as an inside joke, and throws a party every time it hits thirty days.

“Very funny.” Derek scowls. “Mom wants to meet for lunch tomorrow.” He informs, going back to revising the new version of his book and smiling when Laura lets out a groan.

“Well, I have a –”

“Don't worry.” He cuts, closing his laptop and turning to leave the kitchen. “I asked Boyd to cover for you.” Derek smiles at Laura's outraged face and doesn't even feel guilty for messing up with her. “You're welcome.”

Derek controls his laughter all the way to his bedroom but as soon as the door closes, he laughs until his stomach hurts.

“Hey, Derek! How are you feeling in this rainy day?” Stiles calls from behind the counter, as Derek takes off his soaked jacket.

“Blue.” He jokes, sliding on a chair by the counter. His stomach gives a full twist when Stiles throws his head back and laughs happily.

“The usual?” Stiles moves towards the coffee machine and Derek nods his agreement.

When he came into the coffee shop that fateful Saturday afternoon, he meant to just buy a chocolate cake for Laura's birthday and nothing else, but it has been six months and Derek keeps coming back to drink coffee and eat sweets – two things he never really liked – because of Stiles' stupid brown eyes and his beautiful smile.

Six months of having to endure all kinds of jokes from Laura and the rest of his family (of course she was going to tell them everything) and trying to flirt with Stiles – only to be completely ignored.

Laura says he's going to die alone and fat.

Derek agrees.

“Do you ever feel like doing something crazy?” Stiles asks while Derek drinks his coffee. The coffee shop is almost empty, safe for a guy who Stiles says is addicted to caffeine and Derek – who's addicted to Stiles.

Derek raises one eyebrow. “What do you mean?”

“I don't know, just – something. Like bungee jumping or skydiving or getting a tattoo.”

“One of those things is not like the others.” Derek points and Stiles waves him off, laughing.

Derek's stomach does another somersault and he just wants to fist Stiles' stupid shirt and pulls him into a kiss.

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