Reyna hugged him at his return, "How was the meeting? We missed you" Percy smiled broadly, "Perfect! How is Kale and Abby?" Then the six year old boy grinned. "Daddy! I'm tired, can you tuck me in?" He motioned to his room. "Sure! First, I need to talk to Mommy." He nodded. Abby played with blocks in the corner. "Reyna, I love you. I know you and the kids will be targeted, I need you to hide. I have a place. I do not want you to suffer" Reyna smiled sadly. "I understand. But, raising Abby and Kale without you will be hard! Kale will cry for you!" She exclaimed. "I know, I will IM you when I get a chance. I just- do not want them to ache with war's scars like us" He debated.

"I have a house in Alaska. Where Abby and I stayed. You can use it. If Ms. Eli asks, tell her your Abby's mother that lived in New York. Tell them we adopted Kale, erm, explain you are studying in University in New York. I did anything bad about Abby's mother" Reyna absorbed this. "Percy, who is Abby's biological mother?" Reyna asked. Percy sighed, "Promise not to reveal this information! I found Abby, in the alley. I kept her as my own. I told people that her mother was in New York, busy. I wanted to believe she was actually mine" He admitted. "Well maybe we can grant you that wish of having an actual child of yours" Reyna winked that made both of them blush maroon. 

"I would love that" Percy came up to Reyna and kissed her roughly. Reyna gasped at the love, they battled at the fiery kiss. The cool air brushed on their faces, the embrace and emotion would overwhelm anyone. After what seemed like hours, they broke apart. "Great! I did not want to be the only one who was ambitious! I always have to kiss you! Never you to me!" she complained. Kale rubbed his eyes and stared at his mother and father, "Mommy? I can't go to sleep!" Percy chuckled, "Son like mother. You both complain! Kale come on, you can sleep with us" Kale's hazel eyes swirled. "Yay!" He jumped up to the bed and got comfortable in a side. "Daddy, you sleep too. Come!" Kale motioned to the right side of the bed. "Mommy you too," He patted on the left side. "But, Kale, I can not sleep here. It is for Mommy and you" Kale huffed unwilling. 

"You have spent to much time with Reyna, I swear." He muttered. Reyna glared coldly, "Take that back of you will sleep outside!" She threatened. "Sorry, sorry!" Soon they went to sleep. Percy wrapped his arms around Reyna's waist and Reyna hugged Kale. The family slept soundly.

_Time Skip_

Percy got ready to teleport his family to Alaska. "Reyna, I love you! If anything happens to me, make sure Abby remembers me and Kale too," She kissed him and won the battle. "Don't say that! I love you!" She hugged him. Kale's eyes watered. "Kale, I love you too. Protect Mommy for me. Give her a kiss in the cheek for me everyday. Be good, play with Abby and do not forget me" Kale sniffled and embraced him. The dam broke, Percy cried when he kissed Abby's forehead. Her glassy blue eyes sparkled and sadness appeared. "Abby, you need to be safe! I love you, you helped me so much. "

"I am sorry." When he pulled away, Abby was left crying in Reyna's arms weeping for her father. Reyna's sad face nodded as they turned into mist fading in the new house. "Percy, we are being attacked! Demigods, gods, and monsters are in our boarder. " Chiron announced. "Let's go play, Chiron" Percy grabbed a sword-Riptide and saw the stampede of people. Percy examined the battle field. His mind analyzed the situation. Chiron's face worried. 

"Begin Defense hmm... Ah, 63. Yes, BEGIN DEFENSE 63!" He shouted. The campers nodded and shifted their positions. Chiron stood dumbfounded. "Percy, how many plans do we have?" Percy thought, "Let's just say more than a hundred. I and some gods have made one for every situation possible. You are new, I taught the campers only 70 of these plans. We need to finish the rest. Simply, 63 is when the archers switch to daggers and daggers switch to arrows. Confusion, and underestimate are on our side. The swords play defense instead of battle. This will reserve some of our base. The archers now daggers are close by keeping anyone from entering"

"The new archers use their skill for slashing to their arrows. Getting a slightly better aim like on a dagger. Some spears go out of the boarder and surprise them since they are busy with the poisoned arrows." Percy explained swiftly in a tone like saying this was common knowledge. "Chiron, can you join the archers. You do not use daggers, but still your aim will help. Poisoned tips of the arrows are not custom but to Daggers it is. " Chiron nodded. "Percy what shall you do?" He asked.

"Delay them. With my new found powers I will cause detains" Percy felt the Earth, the rock the sandy dust. He used it, a dust storm would blind them. He channeled the wind currents and paced them. The dust he found he rose it and made the wind carry it. The tornado of dust started small but  expanded causing Demigods to fight the wind and their divisible eyes. The winds pushed them back as they struggled. 

Hera made her cows with golden steel armor fight but their hides were slashed with spears. Artemis' archers could not aim with the dust. Hades' hellhounds whined as their eyes were scarred with sharp small rocks in the dust. Athena and Ares shouted commands but were ignored.  Aphrodite cussed as the dust ruined her makeup, she tried to charmspeak the spear fighters but did not notice they had earplugs. Dionysus' grape vines blew effortlessly away like tumbleweeds.  Zeus urged to tame the winds but all he could achieve was for  lightning bolts to be shot at monsters on their side. Hephaestus created weapons that no one could find. 

 Golden dust  joined the dust storm. The spear fighters took their blindness as a chance they slashed and stabbed. Athena looked over her plans and shouted commands to retreat. Percy stopped the storm, "Excellent job to all. You followed order that made us succeed." Everyone admired Percy's leadership and how not one person was  seriously injured. 

Percy was still upset that Reyna was gone. But she was safe. None of the gods on their side was called because of their plan. They would not show up unless absolute trouble. Percy knew at night they would attempt to come. All cabins with their parents left and lived in Olympus preparing for battle. Percy focused, the particles in the air strengthened as he formed a veil of magic layers. Minor gods were joining each side. Hecate joined theirs, he could preform a shield of magic. One were no one can enter. 

The shield was perfect. He commended himself, but  feeling of emptiness stirred. His desire for forgiveness stumbled upon him, it weakened him. He did not want to leave the world. But he did not want the burden and shame of everyone to destroy him either. He wanted to marry Reyna. Have a child with her too. He wanted to raise Abby and Kale and be a great father. A great husband and live in peace. He wanted him ex-parents to forgive him and accept him. All simple things mortals could easily have. But Percy was no Mortal, he was a demigod of the creator of the universe. His powers unmatched everyone except Chaos. The pain was endless. 

All he wanted was peace. He suffered so much and when he was slowly beginning to heal. It was stripped away. He was no stranger to murder, betrayal, and brutality. He saw life's cruelness since day one. His only option was to move on, ignore and play his part in this world tragedy performance. Read the script and play his part. 

Life hated Percy. 


Word count 2121

Author's note 

This is late but I had soooo many ideas. I had to plan when would I use them. I commend myself for constructing Defense 63! Pat on the back to me, did you like the battle scene? I had to read some of Rick's to see what these types of moments feel like. I am not good at them but, oh well. I wrote a lot to make up for my absence. I think some one will ask me this- Why were their monsters in Zeus' side? Well Tartarus' alliance includes some of his army to fight for Zeus. Anyways, CURSE YOU MEREDITH! School is almost done! I escape prison on June 21st. Apologizes to those who are not yet done. I have family that leaves on June 1st! Say what?


Molly and Pancho :{)

P.S. Pancho's going to see his girlfriend Pancha tomorrow, in Mexico! I will be alone! With terrible Meredith. The Horror!!!!!!!!!!

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