Cassidy turned towards the door and just stared at it. Riley perked her head up at the sound and growled a little, still laying there. She didn't know if she should open it or not, but she got up slowly anyways and approached the door. Without thinking, she opened the door, not bothering to look through the peephole at all. As the door's crevice grew wider and wider, it revealed someone familiar. At first, it was the short, dark hair that caught her eyes, but then it was the smile. It was Blake.

He grinned a solemn grin when he saw Cass's face. His grimace made her surroundings seem to darken. "Hello, Cassidy," he said with a smile still planted on his face.

He wore a plain grey T-shirt with a red checkered flannel over it. He had on some jeans and white vans that were already dirty. It looked like he was dressed to go somewhere nice.

"What the hell are you doing here?" She asked sternly.

"Oh, baby. I just wanted to come check on you to see how you are doin because I know your birthday is coming up. Are your parents home?"

"Does it matter? Why do you always need to check on me? I going to be 16, I can take care of myself now. Besides, I have a more responsible, loving dad to take care of me now. So if you'll excuse me, I am going to feed Riley," Cass started to shut the door, but Blake stopped it with his hand.

"That's no way to talk to me like that. I'm still your dad."

"No, you're not. Because if you were, you would be still married to my mom and you would be living here with us. So, no, you're not my dad anymore. So get lost!"

"Oh, I remember the good times with Rebecca. She loved me so much, and I loved her. Oh, and what about Tyler? Is he home yet from college? He looked down and sighed.

Cassidy just looked at him, waiting for him to leave.

Then he looked up and smiled again, "Your parents aren't home are they?" He started to walk towards Cassidy, and she backed up until both of them were in the house. She was too scared to even realize it. "Because if they were, you would've called them by now. Now we could just have me and you time."

Cassidy stood there like a statue, not knowing what to do. Blake looked away from her, turned around and closed the door, locking it as well. Then he turned back from the door and faced her again, "Sit down," he pointed to the couch.

Without hesitation, she quickly walked over the couch and sat down. She had forgotten Riley was laying right next to her on the carpet. She was showing her teeth at Blake as he sat down next to Cassidy on the sofa.

"Wow, I forgot about Riley. Why isn't she getting up, that's not like her?"

"It's none of your business, Blake."

He grabbed her arm and held on tight, "Yes it is my business. I have a right to know. Now, what happened? Cause I know she's didn't age overnight, I know she's only 5 years old." Then he let go of her arm.

"Okay, she had surgery because a guy broke into our house and shot her," She decided to keep it real short because she didn't want him to know all the details. She also didn't mention the Hermangiosarcoma because it still made sense that she got shot and is recovering from surgery.

"Ah, I see. Very well. When was this?"

Cassidy didn't' want to say it was a little while ago because she would've already been recovered by now, so she made up a lie, "Not that long ago, but we are all fine now so there's no need to worry about it."

"Hmm, okay. Well, anyhow..." He pulled out a tiny present from behind him. Cass must have not noticed he was holding it this whole time because she was too focused on Blake himself. "I bought you this for your birthday since it's only a week away. I don't have a card because I didn't have any time."

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