|Tired Part One| Robert Manion x Reader

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I'm excited for this book! In case you didn't read the first chapter, this is my second book of this kind, but it's my first time writing for any of the Starkids. I am currently in love with everyone that is part of Team Starkid, so I made the book! In this short, you are a cast member in Black Friday. Basically, you have a similar situation as Joey in the Trail to Oregon, and you have a bunch of different smaller (and ensemble) roles. I did have to stretch reality a bit in this, just as a warning. Read on :)

Your POV

I had been a huge fan of Starkid since the beginning, so, naturally, I freaked out when I saw that they had planned open auditions for their newest musical, Black Friday. I spent all the way up until the deadline to submit a self-taped audition before turning mine in, trying to perfect it. As I clicked send on the email, the button that could soon drive me to work beside my idols, thoughts whirled through my head.

Robert was also a fan in the beginning, and then he eventually became one of the most treasured cast members that had ever graced a Starkid stage. Couldn't the same thing happen to me?

I was pulled out of my fantasies by the sound of my audition being sent off. I closed my laptop, finding another task to distract myself.


In a couple of weeks, I had heard back. I nervously clicked on the response, my shaky hand reluctantly dragging the cursor to the message. I slowly gained enough courage to look at the response that could change my life forever.


Soon, I got in touch with some of the cast members. A few days after I had heard about the results, we started a group chat of all of the soon-to-be cast members of Black Friday. I still felt like I needed to pinch myself every time that I saw a text or call from Joey, Jeff, Jaime... basically anyone, to think of it. I had immediately taken a liking to Lauren and Robert who both seemed to have the biggest hearts. I eventually got in contact with Nick and Matt who gave me more details about when we would start rehearsals and read throughs of the show.


The next few weeks went by like a whirlwind. I had become friendly with all of the cast members, and they had all followed me on social media. I still couldn't believe that my idols actually knew who I was, and actively looked for and found opportunities to talk to me. Before I knew it, I was in LA with the creative team, and I was going to be meeting my fellow cast mates.

I stood in front the door to a room that held my new coworkers and friends, reminding myself of what was actually about to happen. With a shaky hand, I reached for the doorknob, slowly turning it. I took a deep breath, finally mustering up enough strength to crack the door open. This action reminded me of the day that I found out that I got into the show, so I smiled at the memory. Without hesitation, I completely opened the door. I walked through the doorway, immediately being greeted by an overjoyed Lauren. She gave me a hug, and the others followed suit. We were in a massive group hug before I chuckled softly. People began looking up at me and giving me smiles, breaking away from the hug one by one.

Everyone began greeting me. I had an urge to talk to Robert, wanting to discuss how we were both fans of Starkid before we joined one of their shows. Not to mention, I had a huge crush on him. I wasn't quite sure if it was a real crush or a celebrity crush that would dissipate as soon as I met him, but I would soon find out. I took my time talking to the others, though, having meaningful conversations about how much we loved theatre, and how crazy our lives had been to lead us up to this point. After a few minutes of chatting, I noticed that the only person I hadn't yet talked to was Robert, who was patiently waiting to talk to me. I made eye contact with him, which caused him to flash me a bright smile. He walked over to me, greeting me with a hug.

Team Starkid x Reader Oneshots [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now