School sucks (Blakes Pov)

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*beep,beeep, beeeeeep* "Ugghh.damn alarm clock. Am gonna get a new one" Blake said. Mornings for Blake is always the same . He wakes up hits the alarm clock and goes back to bed, but today was different because "oh crap it Monday. School reopens today. Gosh am gonna be late." He ran into the bathroom takes a quick bath , comes on puts on his clothes whiles dragging his self down the stairs to eat breakfast. Blake family was really rich but he treated it like he always does. "Good morning Mom. Hey Dad. Danielle put my phone down NOW W. Hey Aunt Monica. Mom where is my waffle?" "Check the kitchen sweetie"mom says. Blake we gotta go else you will be late. Chop, chop."Blake's driver Martin says. "Here's your lunch money now go. Love you sweetie." "Love you Mom"Blake replied as he made his way to the car. He texted his friends who he was picking up

Me: Be at your places in 20 minutes
Jake: Hurry else we will be late

They made their way to Jake's house who had been waiting for for 10 minutes . "Let's go and get Bryan before detention comes for us" Jake shouted "I have been texting him and he still hasn't answered"Blake said

*DING* went Blake's IPhone. "He said he is already at school there is no need to come"Blake said. "Good. Now Uncle Martin, step on it"Jake said. At the moment Martin hit the accelerator and the where moving so fast that no one could see them.
They reached school and right before the bell rang
"Run , run. Blake run as if you where being chased by a gorrila." They got to homeroom in a neek of time. *Ding*

Bryan: Thanks for making me wait an hour😑

Me: My bad.

At that moment CJ walked in looking beautiful as always. Blake wanted to speak but all that came out was "you look buh de Tess buss" "What!"CJ said "I said you look beaut-fffsss" Blake shouted "huh"CJ said "What he is trying to say is you look pretty" Jake said "Oh, thanks Blake"CJ said a s she walked away. "Man you are soo into her?" Jake asked. "As into her as am into this waffle"Blake said whiles laughing. "Oh brother"Jake said to him self. Miss Veronica walked in and slammed her books on the table "Okay listen up students , you are in High school now so your responsibility is Imma whole new level. This year is the student exchange program . Some of them are here to get good grades , some are here to STAY. So we are going to assign some of you to help them out whiles they are here first on the list is Blake Jr Crud"
"I have a bad feeling about this year"Blake said

*To be continued*

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