Chapter Seven: Good-bye to Originality of Evil

Start from the beginning

  I can't find her! I was very much in the middle of the fight and that's when I saw what I was looking for. Marelda, the exact woman who had driven her sword through my mother. She looks up from murdering one of my men, and sees me. I see a smile on her face as she begins to walk towards me. All around us, I hear fights stop and then maybe a few die. I walk closer to Marelda.

  "You look just like your father." she says as if she just noticed that Edward didn't. "Edward did not."

  "Should've been your first clue." I smile at her.

  "I killed your mother." she says.

  "Oh I know. I was there." I answer.

  "I will kill you." she smiles at me.

  "You can try." I tell her, and she swings in anger. Maybe she hadn't expected me to defy her, but you can't expect me to fall that easily. I dodge it, moving a centimeter towards the right. Marelda moves to swing at the same angle, and I end up  dodging it with a flip through the air. She twirls to hit me, and I deflect it with a swing of my sword.  It blocks hers perfectly, but it also kinds of nicks her hand, and blood poors out. 

  "You!" That's all she says, as I neatly end up on my feet.

  "You what?" I ask. Her eyes flare.

  "Do you have any idea what you have done?" She screams.

  "Defend myself." I tell her. 

  "This outfit costs more than your mother." She says.

  "Well at least she was stronger, and way better looking." I smile, and hide the sudden swell of anger.

  "You are so going to pay for that." she moves closer to me. I move a little closer than I probably should. She swings and I move out of the way. I swing left and she swings left. Dumb move, I moved it a little early and hit her in the hip. She screamed. Her soldiers errupted in fear and tried to come and fight for her, but many of them fell to the floor, so none moved. 

  Marelda swung again, and I felt sorry for her, so I circled my foot and kicked out. She fell to her hands and knees. I moved behind her and stuck my sword through her skin and to her heart. I knelt on the floor and whispered in her ear.

  "That was for my mother." I removed my sword and watched as she crumpled to the floor, so did the rest of the soldiers. They were the ones that happened through dark magic. My men errupted in cheer, and for the first time I felt hope. I smiled and then winced. I looked down and saw something I hadn't even felt. A wound. I looked up to see Edward walking towards me, but everywhere was turning black. I wobbled on my feet.

  "Eliza!" I heard someone say that, but I fell into deep dark sleep.


  It was nice. The place I was at had a beautiful garden. There were lilies, and roses all over the place. I saw a few gardenia close to a pond that had lilipads in it. I smiled and felt peaceful. I looked down, and for the first time I saw what I was wearing. I had on a white dress. It was made of  a cute material. I loved it! 

  "Eliza!" I hear a man exclaim. I look up and there he is. 

  "Papa?" I whisper. I watch as mama materializes next to him, and feel a sweet feeling in my heart. Mama looks at me and begins to run towards me.

  "Eliza! Oh, my beautiful darling, why are you here?" I hear her cry as we hug. I feel tears in my eyes and I look down at mama.

  "Mama? Are you really here?" I ask.

  "Darling you're dead." Papa says. I look up and see him standing over me and mama. She moves away and I run into his arms. He pulls me close and hugs me tightly.

  "Oh, papa! I thought I'd never see you." I cry into him.

  "Sweet heart. How did you join us?" Papa asks.

  "I- I got stabbed, and I blacked out and woke up here. Papa have you always been here?" I ask.

  "No. I've spent all the time watching you and your mama, but when she died I was free to come here, and I realized I could still see you. I am so sorry I hadn't come with you, Eliza. I wish I was selfish enough to do that." Papa says, pulling apart. "But you have to go back."

  "I know. I am happy I got to meet you." Mama says you were an amazing papa when I was a baby." I say. I smile and I hug them both.

  "I love you." I say.

  "We love you too. Now go, you have a mission to finish." Papa says. I see a lot of light and then I'm opening my eyes to see the battle field.

  "Eliza." I hear someone cry. I look up to see Uncle Alexander over me, tears in his eyes.

  "I thought you didn't cry in public." I gruffly get out. I see his face shine with shock and then turn into a face of happiness.

  "If you were anyone else, I wouldn't have cried." He answers back. I laugh and then wince. I look down to see Edward bandaging my stomach wound.

  "I must be hallucenating because I swear she died and I hear her voice. I must be dying of love being dead." I hear Edward say all this mumbo jumbo.

  "Edward I'm not dead. I'm right here." I reach out and touch his hand. I watch the wonder on his face, as his eyes travel up to mine. 

  "Eliza!" He kisses me and I let him because I know what it feels like to loose someone you love and then see them again.

  "Is she gone?" I ask when he pulls away.

  "Yeah. You got rid of her." He smiles and I know that the one woman who'd shown me what evil was, was now out of my life.

  "Well, we've got a week to get Micheal out of that castle. Otherwise, I won't be crowned." I tell them, they each nod in agreement.

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