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  She ran. She was carrying a baby boy when she ran away, or so they thought. While the castle was being broken into by the king's brother, the queen had decided to hide with their beloved daughter, Eliza. 

  "I love you, Harry." Queen Aranza said through her tears.

  "I love you too, Aranza." Harry hugged his wife.

  "Come. Come with us." She begged him. He shook his head.

  "I have to protect our kingdom. Eliza needs something to run when she is older." Harry told her. She began to cry the broken cries of a woman who has just lost the love of her life, but she picked up their only child, Eliza.

  "Is the decoy set?" She asked. She had to make their baby was safe.Harry looked away from her.

  "Yes. Edward is in place."

  "Good. You're brother will raise him like his own." Aranza's voice cracked on those words, and her tears began to stream more fiercely than before.

  Out of nowhere, you could hear people scream. Harry looked at his wife with complete fear in his eyes.

  "Go! Aranza leave." Harry kissed his distraught wife, and kissed his daughter on her forehead, sticking an envelope into her blanket. The baby didn't let out a noise. He pushed them out of his chambers and watched as his brother came in and cut his throat. Harry fell to the floor, lifeless.

  "Where's his wife and child?" Micheal barked. The soldier cringed.

  "His wife is nowhere to be found, but here's his son." the soldier hesitated.

  "His name?" Micheal growled softly as he grabbed the baby from the terrified soldier.

  "Edward, sir." the soldier stuttered.

  "Good name. I shall raise him as my own. He will be king when he is 18." Of course Aranza and Harry already knew that. Micheal looked down at his own blood, the one he slayed. "Bury my brother." He spit on him.

  During this entire confrontation, Queen Aranza and Princess Eliza ran to their home in the forest. In truth, Eliza will be queen of Panaroma when she is 18, because the town's people know that the king had a baby who's name started with E, and she looked just like the king. Edward did not. Like her father had told her for the last month, the sun and moon shine over you as you take back what is rightfully yours.

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